View Full Version : One single tool keeps disappearing from QAT

2010-06-28, 08:20 PM
I have several tools that I have added to the QAT in addition to what's there in 2011 by default (most of the ones I added in 2010 are now there by default).

For some reason the Paste tool (with Paste Align commands included) keep disappearing from my QAT, at random instances, when launching 2011. It seems to happen at least a couple of times per week. I can't understand why it's only this tool that keeps disappearing, and how to make it "stick".

I also have Load Family, Demolish hammer, and Set Work Plane in my QAT and those seem to stay in place just fine.

Rick Moore
2010-06-28, 08:25 PM
'Align' has disappeared from my QAT a few times. Nothing else

2010-06-28, 09:16 PM
Just throwing this out there. When I first started on ACA, I used to use the icons as well. I forced myself to set up shortcut keys (key strokes) and my speed doubled.

You'd be surprised how much faster and more efficient you become when you don't have to hunt and peck with your mouse. Not to mention the cursor never leaves your drawing area and most times it never leaves where you want to start drawing something.

Take align, for example. I set mine up for AA. Give it a try, you'll love it! :beer:

Now if I could only get used to not hitting the space bar after I type a command. lol

2010-06-29, 06:18 AM
Had the same problem with some of the other tools as well, installed the latest update, and now it seem to be sorted out.

2010-06-29, 12:58 PM
Had the same problem with some of the other tools as well, installed the latest update, and now it seem to be sorted out.

I also installed the update last week, yet my Paste button just disappeared again yesterday. My boss just said all his QAT tools disappeared this morning.

2010-06-29, 05:44 PM
Just throwing this out there. When I first started on ACA, I used to use the icons as well. I forced myself to set up shortcut keys (key strokes) and my speed doubled.

You'd be surprised how much faster and more efficient you become when you don't have to hunt and peck with your mouse. Not to mention the cursor never leaves your drawing area and most times it never leaves where you want to start drawing something.

Take align, for example. I set mine up for AA. Give it a try, you'll love it! :beer:

Now if I could only get used to not hitting the space bar after I type a command. lol

Align AA, Copy CC, Move MM, Dimension DD, Edit Boundry (Schetch) EE, Finish Editing FF, Reference Plane RR, Wall WW, Section SS ...... The most used double letter.
Speed Tripled :)

2010-06-29, 06:48 PM
Align AA, Copy CC, Move MM, Dimension DD, Edit Boundry (Schetch) EE, Finish Editing FF, Reference Plane RR, Wall WW, Section SS ...... The most used double letter.
Speed Tripled :)

I also use most of those, except EE is Elevation for me.

I like to keep the Paste tool in the QAT because sometimes I don't know for sure if I want Paste Aligned in View, Paste Same Place, Paste Aligned Select Level, etc. I like to see the options when I click the down arrow next to the tool.