View Full Version : Array of 1?

2010-06-29, 10:35 PM
I’m working with the Generic Model Line Based family to drive an array of parking spaces. The parking space family is nested inside the GMLB family where I’ve added the curb elements. The first space in the parking run is different since it has no stripping features and the next space which begins the array incorporates the stripping attributes. When I drive the array towards a value of 1 the family can’t generate.
Ideally an array value of 1 would give me two parking spaces between curb returns, the first being the non-stripped space and the second being the first parking space of the array.
This problem leads me to believe that array’s cannot have a value of 1.
Any thoughts on how to address or approach this problem?

2010-06-29, 10:38 PM
If you dog through old blog posts in my Revit blog, theres a step by step how too. Short answer: The *array* cant have a value of one. Long answer: The "array" can have a value of one.

2010-06-29, 11:00 PM
Cryptic but Simultaneously Intriguing. I shall investigate thy Blog.

2010-06-30, 12:46 AM
Sorry. Earlier when i posted, i was running out, and didnt have time to search for it. Try here:


2010-06-30, 11:54 AM
Can triplets be an only child?

2010-06-30, 12:51 PM
Can triplets be an only child?

Short answer: No. Long answer: ...Definately Maybe.

2010-06-30, 01:41 PM
I want even LESS than one!

Consider a Ribbon Window.
If you have 5 Window panes, you've got 4 mullions.
3 panes, 2 mullions
2 panes, 1 mullion
1 pane, no mullions.

So, even if your array collapses to accommodate a value of 1, you still need to play the Visibility game if you want to use that same family completely without regard for the number of panes. Not to mention needing half a dozen extra parameters to control all that. So the array should accommodate both 1 AND 0.

I put in a Wish List item about this several years ago, but I guess it didn't go too far.

2010-06-30, 03:33 PM
Based on past wish list implementation periods you have 10- 3 (several) = 7 years to wait for your upgrade to be implemented.

Aaron, I was able to find your post but thanks for the direct link as well. Planning to test drive it today. In the back of my mind I mused over this as a possible solution but it's good to know this ground has already been trodden. Thanks for sharing.

Phil Read
2010-06-30, 05:06 PM
Agreed. Arrays of 0 (zero) have many uses during design iteration and eventual creation of types.

2010-06-30, 05:21 PM
If you build your families with visibility controls you can have an array of 1. It's not really an array though. It is a hidden nested object that only shows up when the array calculation says it should be 1. You're array number control would reference this value to see if ((x<2), 2, x). I have a raceway family that displays duplex outlets and data ports dependent on spacing & length of each raceway.

I think I have posted something about this topic as well.

Best of luck,
Jeff S.

2010-06-30, 07:25 PM
Agreed. Arrays of 0 (zero) have many uses during design iteration and eventual creation of types.

I agree. Id love to see Arrays of Zero and One possibed. In both cases, it should just show the second or last grayed out, so it can still be constrained in the family environment. If the value is zero, the first AND other should be thre, but not visibile.

Doesnt seem like it would be that hard to do, but what do i know? :)

Is it possible now? sure. But its a buttache and a half.

2010-06-30, 08:49 PM
I was able to successfully apply the visibility control switch to turn off the array before it collapsed the family and then prompt the 2nd and 3rd parking spaces to appear at the appropriate space intervals, with parking space 3 becoming visible at the 27 foot increment based on 9 foot spaces and the 2nd parking space becoming visible at both the 27 and 18 foot increments.

I tried using an "or" statement in the visibility control parameter formulated like -- or(Length>27', Length<18') but was unable to create a visual range control using his approach and decided to use the point control approach mentioned above which works fine since I want the drag control to stop at the 9 ft intervals anyways.

Thanks Aaron for putting me on the right track. I love these logic control families I just need more practice with the appropriate syntax.