View Full Version : Sharing Project Files: Best Practices?

2010-07-01, 03:11 PM
I am working on ACA 2010 and wondering the best way to...
1. send an entire project to another company
2. share the project drawings with someone who is not using project navigator


2010-07-05, 08:29 PM
I am working on ACA 2010 and wondering the best way to...
1. send an entire project to another company
2. share the project drawings with someone who is not using project navigator

Etransmit it. I set up an etransmit that binds all Xref's automatically.

Just make sure they have the correct object enablers installed if they are using an older version of CAD. Otherwise, they won't see anything but text and annotation. lol

2010-07-06, 04:59 PM
I'd first have to ask who you were sending them to (consultant vs client) and what they needed them for / what are they using them for?
I've had some clients where the only thing we ever sent them was a 3d dwf. I have consultants that won't send dwg files. To get one is like pulling teeth. They typically only send Pdf's. Which then requires 4 more back and forth e-mails saying provide dimension, mainly cause the first time you ask for a dimension they'd just write on the printed pdf 1/4"=1'-0" and scan it back in. by the forth try, I usually get what I need.
E-trans works great, but remember that it will include just about everything. So if you had some objects that you created, or some embedded code that you might not want to share, dwf's or flattened and purged dwgs.
But again, it all depends on who's asking for them and what they need them for.

2010-07-13, 04:03 PM
Thanks for the information. I have just tried my first etransmit. Will have to read up on customizing it. I appreciate the help.


2013-05-03, 01:44 PM
What would be the best way to work in Project Navigator when people are working from different offices? My employer is working in Dallas on a project. But I'm working from home. When I get certain files created, what is the best way for my employer to import them?