View Full Version : Light Source Rotation

2010-07-02, 03:27 PM
I'm trying to create a theater light with a head that tilts in elevation, so that I can "aim" it. I've built the family with a series of grouped reference planes which the "head" geometry is attached to. The "support" is locked to the base reference lines. There's a variable that allows me to change the degree of tilt in the head.

The trouble I'm having is locking the light source to the rotating reference planes. Every time I adjust the variable, it wants to break the constraint. I can't add it to the group reference plane group either. I've also tried creating a separate light component but can't seem to get that there either.

I've attached the family. Thanks in advance for any help.


cliff collins
2010-07-02, 04:17 PM
Try using a Reference Line instead of a Ref. Plane to lock the angle dimension with.


Mike Sealander
2010-07-02, 06:33 PM
Also put the reference line in first and then add the rest.