View Full Version : Poll: Ads on AUGI?

cliff collins
2010-07-06, 08:16 PM
Since ads have recently appeared on the AUGI Forum panels, let's take a quick poll.

2010-07-06, 08:28 PM
As I hadn't noticed any ads, I guess they must have been small and insignificant, or, I have become totally desensitised to seeing ads?!?

I would hate the look of the forum to end up like RevitCity where you wade through ads that appear on the side bar, at the top and even in the middle of a thread!

Based on Revitcity and other forums which have ads, a resounding no from me.



cliff collins
2010-07-06, 08:30 PM
Here they are:

see attached.


Dave Jones
2010-07-06, 08:31 PM
I hadn't noticed them either. Compared to some sites the ads here are very unobtrusive IMO

2010-07-06, 08:40 PM
Here they are:

see attached.


Amazing, they have not, and still do not shown up at all for me!

Three box ads at the top of the page - don't really care one way or the other.

However the logic of cost recovery and advertising leads directly to the RevitCity model. That outcome would be truly sad.


2010-07-06, 09:06 PM
Odd, i dont see those either. I made sure to refresh the page in case it was cache'd, too.

Its like this, for me:

If they show up like that, in the image, im 100% fine with it. Someone has to pay to keep the lights on, and if its that or AUGI becomes a pay site, im totally on board with the ads. (No one has said that, im just sayin...). And since i dont pay to come here, if they want the revenue stream, im good with that too.

But, i belong to a Car Forum, where there are so many ad's, the first RESPONSE to a post is typically an automated advertisement POST (not a bot... its done BY the message board). THAT, would be grounds for less visitation, as its impossible to wade through.

2010-07-06, 09:23 PM
For me the ads only seem to appear on the main pages and not within any actual forum posts. Even so I agree with Aaron, if it stays the same as shown in that image then its ok by me. They aren't being invasive or annoying just as one line near the top of the page. Hevean forbid they go the route of first response ads and then mixed in every few posts following. I've seen that style and I absoluutely hate how its constantly jaring you off topic, not to meantion it makes searching almost impossible since it doesn't distinguish between ad posts and legit user posts. Imagine searching for Multi-thread Wall Joining and getting a bunch of ads for cement sealant and patching products, it frustrates me just thinking about it.
Please AUGI, be responsible with the ads.

2010-07-06, 09:24 PM
lulz so that's what those blank white boxes are! Thank you AdBlock Plus! :mrgreen:

2010-07-06, 09:33 PM
lol....what ads? :? Is this an IE thing?

EDIT: Checked using IE8....still no ads....maybe our network blocks em?

2010-07-06, 09:37 PM
nah it's in Firefox, too. ABP blocks them for me, though. Curiously, I just saw the boxes (blank for me) while replying to another thread just now, but I do not see them while typing this reply right now. Odd.

Aaron what car forum are you on? I'm on a few myself. ;)

cliff collins
2010-07-06, 09:40 PM
Not just an IE thing.....

Here they are in Firefox.

see attached.


cliff collins
2010-07-06, 10:02 PM
And---in Google Chrome.

see attached.


2010-07-06, 10:04 PM
nah it's in Firefox, too. ABP blocks them for me, though. Curiously, I just saw the boxes (blank for me) while replying to another thread just now, but I do not see them while typing this reply right now. Odd.

Aaron what car forum are you on? I'm on a few myself. ;)

A few lowly Pontiac ones, LOL.

A Third Generation F Body forum, for my old summer hoopty that i play with, and www.legacygt.com for the Subaru i drive every day.

I used to participate heavily in the Car Sound Forums, as i love SQ systems, but the forum died when the magazine was cancelled.

Back on topic, i STILL dont see them, white boxes or otherwise. Id try cleaning out my history manually, but i really dont mind not seeing them. :)

2010-07-06, 10:09 PM
I don't see any ads either.

I'm guessing Cliff has them because he makes way more $$ than we do. :lol:

2010-07-06, 10:51 PM
Or someone's computer is infected with spamware....

2010-07-06, 11:32 PM
Not just an IE thing.....

Here they are in Firefox.

see attached.



Dave Jones
2010-07-07, 12:04 AM

thanks for that! While I don't mind the small amount of ads here this add on is a great ad blocker for other more obtrusive sites

William Troeak
2010-07-07, 04:01 AM
I don't see the ad's. But from the screen captures it would not bother me for a few reasons.

1. This site is free, and if the ad's keep it free. Okay!
2. The ad's look to be BIM, AUGI, and software related.

2010-07-07, 02:08 PM
Yeah just as long as we don't start seeing ads for some crazy hair removal product or shamwow's or anything like that :lol:

2010-07-07, 02:20 PM
Yeah just as long as we don't start seeing ads for some crazy hair removal product or shamwow's or anything like that :lol:



2010-07-07, 02:22 PM
And they must be priced at ONLY $19.95 or a number of installments in that amount. :p

2010-07-07, 02:56 PM
Well, if you don't like ads, you're not going to like Revit 2012. I probably shouldn't be sharing this sneak peek, but...

Finally we know what they were saving all that gray space on the ribbon was for. ;-)

2010-07-07, 03:06 PM
Well, if you don't like ads, you're not going to like Revit 2012. I probably shouldn't be sharing this sneak peek, but... ;-)Ah, but that's for the FREE version of Revit 2012, right?

I think it also takes a commission for products specified through Seek.

2010-07-07, 04:04 PM
Ah, but that's for the FREE version of Revit 2012, right?

No, it's the full paid version.

2010-07-07, 04:21 PM
I only notice the ads when I'm browsing from home.. our office firewall virus blocker is pretty robust and blocks ads :D

so keep the ads if it helps maintian this site.

2010-07-07, 06:44 PM
This is crazy. I saw the ads in the "revit architecture support" page, but that's all.

I just went back to it, and they aren't there. I think they are trying to confuse us into buying stuff.

2010-07-07, 07:41 PM
LOL....I see ads now....

2010-07-07, 10:18 PM
Does this mean Autodesk is no longer buying the right to censor the forums with no discourse or due process? I am for that.
Now if they get to be cheap and still have undue influence then I am not so enthused.

I just pray we don't start allowing flash based dancing skank mortgage stuff. Slippery slope, AUGI board. Don't slide down it too far.


2010-07-08, 03:19 PM
Ah, but that's for the FREE version of Revit 2012, right?
No, it's the full paid version.
I tried to make joke.

2010-07-08, 03:53 PM
Well, if you don't like ads, you're not going to like Revit 2012. I probably shouldn't be sharing this sneak peek, but...

Finally we know what they were saving all that gray space on the ribbon was for. ;-)

The scary thing is, microsoft is already doing adds in the "free" web version of office, and I don't know that many people who are particularly confident that Balmer won't also put ads in the full product to "subsidize" the cost. Perhaps with an upcharge to get rid of them. And any bad idea microsoft has, autodesk mimics. Of course autodesk uses the subscription model, so things would be a little different. Like "advertising subsidized" Revit subscription, $350/yr. "Advertising free" $500/yr. Not on subscription, you get ads no matter what.
Sadly, I have little faith in Carl not seeing this as a perfectly legit way to increase revenue, and thus stock value; which is in fact his one and only job.

So we may joke now, but the joke may very well be on us in the years down the road.


2010-07-08, 05:03 PM
Jeez man. You need to break out some happy pills, or something. i thought i was cynical... :)

2010-07-08, 09:36 PM
It has taken years to get this many ads on AUGI...I wouldn't worry about it getting out of hand. Remember the board members, even though mocked and ridiculed often, are still software users like the rest of us and don't much care for ad riddled sites either. AUGI does need to generate enough income to stay open for business so to speak though. :smile:

Scott D Davis
2010-07-08, 10:50 PM
AUGI does need to generate enough income to stay open for business so to speak though. :smile:

and so for those 11 people (so far) that voted to "remove" the ads...hope you are either a) willing to donate $$$ or b) willing to do without AUGI.

Scott Hopkins
2010-07-09, 09:40 PM
As long as the ads don't blink or flash I can live with them.

2010-07-09, 09:47 PM
As long as the ads don't blink or flash I can live with them.Just make sure you don't blink while looking at them :smile:

2010-07-11, 06:57 PM
I tried to make joke.

So did I :lol:

2010-07-12, 12:28 AM
I'm okay with banner ads provided they STAY there. I hate banner ads that enlarge when you mouseover them. That's a bad thing and would really be annoying.

It's also very annoying when advertisements are embedded inside the forum threads. Ick.

2010-08-03, 11:05 PM
I just stumbled onto this thread when I did a search for any posts with reactions to the increase in web site ads.

Here is where we stand...

The ads generate revenue and AUGI needs funding. I cannot promise that AUGI will generate enough from web ads to pay the bills. It is not doing it now and I do not see it as a super large money maker.

As far as our ad policy, it is roughly this. We only place ads related to what our members may want to see. No mortgage ads, no hair restoration ads.

We do not allow flashing or animated ads. All ads are to be static. No Flash, Animated GIF's, SWF or whatever.

Ads may not show up on every page every time. They rotate in and out as long as we achieve the required amount of "impressions".

We are not at this time expanding the ads beyond the top masthead in the forums.

We will not be placing Google generated ads.

We will not be placing Pop-Under ads that open another browser instance under the active one.

I, like many of you, run from sites that annoy me with too many ads. Understand that policy may change, but the spirit of not annoying our members will stand.

2010-08-04, 10:37 AM
I just stumbled onto this thread when I did a search for any posts with reactions to the increase in web site ads.

Here is where we stand...

The ads generate revenue and AUGI needs funding. I cannot promise that AUGI will generate enough from web ads to pay the bills. It is not doing it now and I do not see it as a super large money maker.

As far as our ad policy, it is roughly this. We only place ads related to what our members may want to see. No mortgage ads, no hair restoration ads.

We do not allow flashing or animated ads. All ads are to be static. No Flash, Animated GIF's, SWF or whatever.

Ads may not show up on every page every time. They rotate in and out as long as we achieve the required amount of "impressions".

We are not at this time expanding the ads beyond the top masthead in the forums.

We will not be placing Google generated ads.

We will not be placing Pop-Under ads that open another browser instance under the active one.

I, like many of you, run from sites that annoy me with too many ads. Understand that policy may change, but the spirit of not annoying our members will stand.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for outlining the policy.

For myself I think this policy is well considered and absolutely meets the balance of getting some cash in and maintaining the structure and feel of the forum.

Although I voted against the ads, this vote was taken from a fear that the forum would end up like RevitCity with ads every which way and even within the body of threads.

So, for what it is worth, two thumbs up and I hope they assist with the costs of running the forums & AUGI more generally.



2010-08-04, 03:23 PM
As long as we don't start seeing scantly clad models advertising Evony we should be fine.... ;)

2010-08-04, 07:10 PM
I just stumbled onto this thread when I did a search for any posts with reactions to the increase in web site ads.

Here is where we stand...

The ads generate revenue and AUGI needs funding. I cannot promise that AUGI will generate enough from web ads to pay the bills. It is not doing it now and I do not see it as a super large money maker.

As far as our ad policy, it is roughly this. We only place ads related to what our members may want to see. No mortgage ads, no hair restoration ads.

We do not allow flashing or animated ads. All ads are to be static. No Flash, Animated GIF's, SWF or whatever.

Ads may not show up on every page every time. They rotate in and out as long as we achieve the required amount of "impressions".

We are not at this time expanding the ads beyond the top masthead in the forums.

We will not be placing Google generated ads.

We will not be placing Pop-Under ads that open another browser instance under the active one.

I, like many of you, run from sites that annoy me with too many ads. Understand that policy may change, but the spirit of not annoying our members will stand.

Thanks for the explanation (not that it was necessary, imho). I also wonder how short AUGI falls, in paying the bills? Im sure you cant disclose, but you might want to consider putting a simple Link somewhere that allowes users to paypal a small donation to the cause. I know many of the Automobile forums i participate in, have been in this situation, and the users VOLUNTEER to help the cause, to keep the site active. I certainly dont speak for everyone, but i know id be willing to chip in here and there if it was a matter of the site turning in to a major billboard- or worse- closing down.

its too valuable a resource to not have.

2010-08-04, 07:13 PM
Thanks for the explanation (not that it was necessary, imho). I also wonder how short AUGI falls, in paying the bills? Im sure you cant disclose, but you might want to consider putting a simple Link somewhere that allowes users to paypal a small donation to the cause. I know many of the Automobile forums i participate in, have been in this situation, and the users VOLUNTEER to help the cause, to keep the site active. I certainly dont speak for everyone, but i know id be willing to chip in here and there if it was a matter of the site turning in to a major billboard- or worse- closing down.

its too valuable a resource to not have.
I second that. WIthout AUGI I'd be screwed! :beer:

cliff collins
2010-08-04, 07:36 PM
Not to rain on the parade, but my take on it is this:

We pay a LOT of money for Revit.
The software has a LOT of limitations, which in part cause the need for Forums--
where we turn to get answers to what should be simple problems.

I do not want to pay any more out of pocket costs
for this. I think it's reasonable that the subscription fees should cover the cost of the Forums. Maybe it should only be available to Subscription members? ( ducking large flying projectiles).

The Forums should not be made into another "profit center"--and I suspect they are headed in that direction.

Just my 2 c worth.

2010-08-04, 07:57 PM
Not to rain on the parade, but my take on it is this:

We pay a LOT of money for Revit.
The software has a LOT of limitations, which in part cause the need for Forums--
where we turn to get answers to what should be simple problems.

I do not want to pay any more out of pocket costs
for this. I think it's reasonable that the subscription fees should cover the cost of the Forums. Maybe it should only be available to Subscription members? ( ducking large flying projectiles).

The Forums should not be made into another "profit center"--and I suspect they are headed in that direction.

Just my 2 c worth.
If it were to turn into a site that I HAD to pay for, then no, I wouldn't use it. But, if they had a link where you could donate, I wouldn't have a problem throwing them 5 bucks every once in a while.

I see your point though. How did AUGI come to be anyway? I never really thought of it before. I figured it was started by some users who needed answers, not by Autodesk themselves.

2010-08-04, 08:06 PM
If it were to turn into a site that I HAD to pay for, then no, I wouldn't use it. But, if they had a link where you could donate, I wouldn't have a problem throwing them 5 bucks every once in a while.

I see your point though. How did AUGI come to be anyway? I never really thought of it before. I figured it was started by some users who needed answers, not by Autodesk themselves.

Some history here. (http://www.augi.com/about/default.asp?page=4)

2010-08-04, 08:19 PM
Not to rain on the parade, but my take on it is this:

We pay a LOT of money for Revit.
The software has a LOT of limitations, which in part cause the need for Forums--
where we turn to get answers to what should be simple problems.

I do not want to pay any more out of pocket costs
for this. I think it's reasonable that the subscription fees should cover the cost of the Forums. Maybe it should only be available to Subscription members? ( ducking large flying projectiles).

The Forums should not be made into another "profit center"--and I suspect they are headed in that direction.

Just my 2 c worth.

We all have our opinions on the matter. :)

Nowhere in the subscription documentation is this place mentioned as being PART of subscription. In fact, i look at this place being the conglomerate of US as users, and not them as software developers. Heck, i dont ask Subaru or Pontiac to finacially support the users forums for the Car Enthusiasts group.

But to each their own. If there was a DONATION link (not mandatory), i would use it. If there was a MANDATORY one... Id probably still use it, depending on cost.

Nothing is free in this world, and BB's eat up a bit of money, between hosting, file storage space, Software subscriptions for the VBB/UBB stuff, and maintenance/support. Im not sure where the assumptions come from that its Autodesk funded.

Just my 1 penny. :)

cliff collins
2010-08-04, 09:18 PM
Here's a great example, from an ad at the top of this page:

"Need Site Tools for Revit?"

I think we'd all agree overwhelmingly YES!

But I don't want an AD on this Forum pointing me to a software add-on which I have to buy for $1000 plus, when Revit should provide the Site Tools for the $5000 price tag.


2010-08-04, 10:05 PM
Aren't there official Autodesk forums for all their products?
Seems Autodesk already provides official forums.

The more independence AUGI has from Autodesk, the better.

We pay a LOT of money for Revit.
The software has a LOT of limitations, which in part cause the need for Forums--
where we turn to get answers to what should be simple problems.

I do not want to pay any more out of pocket costs
for this. I think it's reasonable that the subscription fees should cover the cost of the Forums. Maybe it should only be available to Subscription members? ( ducking large flying projectiles).

The Forums should not be made into another "profit center"--and I suspect they are headed in that direction.

2010-08-04, 10:38 PM
Aren't there official Autodesk forums for all their products?
Seems Autodesk already provides official forums.

The more independence AUGI has from Autodesk, the better.

There are indeed Autodesk owned and operated forums. And at least the Revit one is basically useless, especially compared to AUGI. The correlation between Autodesk influence and utility (or lack thereof) can be debated, but my sense is the less Autodesk involvement the better. And I would (gladly!) pay to keep AUGI alive and independent.

And thank you Mark for putting policy out there. A little transparency goes a long way.


2010-08-04, 10:54 PM
Plus One...

And thank you Mark for putting policy out there. A little transparency goes a long way.

2010-08-05, 06:11 AM
...I do not want to pay any more out of pocket costs
for this. I think it's reasonable that the subscription fees should cover the cost of the Forums. Maybe it should only be available to Subscription members? ( ducking large flying projectiles)...

The above begs for clarification as it suggests that Cliff believes AUGI to be owned by or part of Autodesk.

AUGI IS NOT Autodesk.

AUGI is a separate, incorporated, entity that is comprised of people who use Autodesk products and choose to hang out together to discuss the work they do with them. Autodesk historically has provided funding, significant funding in past years, to help keep AUGI going. That funding has been reduced in recent years significantly. In fact I believe I'm correct in saying that currently our largest financial supporter isn't Autodesk at all but a PC manufacturer who uses the letters HP in their name. So THANK YOU HP!!

These forums can't be a subscription benefit because Autodesk has no ownership of them to begin with. The lights stay on here as long as AUGI has companies and individuals that help fund what AUGI does.

cliff collins
2010-08-05, 12:59 PM
To clarify:

I know that AUGI is not 100% funded/associated with Autodesk.
I'm glad that it is somewhat "independent" of Adesk.

But if it takes pop-ups and ads to keep it alive, then maybe it SHOULD be part of Adesk,
and available to subscription members who pay for such added service. ( i.e. there is already some potential funding available.)

I know most people are just fine with ads--I personally am not.

I am just wondering how for 10 years AUGI survived very well WITHOUT ads
on its pages--and all of a sudden ads begin showing up.

My example about "Site Tools" has some validity for my concern that AUGI will
soon become a "profit center" and will lose its original focus.

Just my opinion, having participated in the Forums for many years.


2010-08-05, 01:05 PM
These forums can't be a subscription benefit because Autodesk has no ownership of them to begin with. The lights stay on here as long as AUGI has companies and individuals that help fund what AUGI does.

Which is a good reason why i have to agree with Aaron's suggestion of a donation button linked with a PayPal account. I kow that I'm not the only person who has spent hours trying to tackle a problem to no avail and one AUGI member or another has come to the rescue with not only an answer but also an explaination. Its that moment when the light bulb goes off in my head and I would certainly be willing to throw a few bucks at AUGI for proving and continuing to provide a venue for all of us to exchange ideas.

2010-08-05, 01:09 PM
I am just wondering how for 10 years AUGI survived very well WITHOUT ads
on its pages--and all of a sudden ads begin showing up.

Because early on it took alot less hardware and a significantly smaller facility and less people to keep the site up and running. Look at the number of memebers now vs then and factor in that all posts are saved and searchable going back to day one. That takes some serious resources, one of wich is the cash to make the rest available.

2010-08-05, 01:16 PM
I am just wondering how for 10 years AUGI survived very well WITHOUT ads
on its pages--and all of a sudden ads begin showing up.

In addition To Erics post, i would also venture the same way many of us worked very successfully in Retail Architecture for many years, only to watch our firms shut the doors in recent months and years.

These arent great fiscal times. Im sure a lot of the donations that WERE coming in, ARENT. Or entities that WERE supporting our forum, cant.

Im not the Factory Hater a lot of people here are, but even i would prefer it to remain completely seperate. Once its got official ties of ownership, things change. And it cant be a "profit center" for the Factory, if the Factory doesnt own it.

Anyway, im still good for a little, now and again, if such a donation button appears.

2010-08-05, 06:09 PM
I am just wondering how for 10 years AUGI survived very well WITHOUT ads
on its pages--and all of a sudden ads begin showing up.

Autodesk historically has provided funding, significant funding in past years, to help keep AUGI going. That funding has been reduced in recent years significantly.

Cliff, what part about reduced funding did you not understand?

My example about "Site Tools" has some validity for my concern that AUGI will soon become a "profit center" and will lose its original focus.

You keep bringing up "profit center"? A profit center for who? You're take is that there's a conflict of interest between Autodesk and AUGI ads for products that provide additional functionality (e.g. Site Tools) that should already be included as part of the product? While I agree that Site Tools should be included as part of Revit's core functionality, and I do see how the existence of add-on products could discourage development by Autodesk, I don't see what any of that has to do with AUGI, or what part of it has to do with AUGI becoming a "profit center". If we can take AUGI administrators at their word, it sounds like AUGI is in zero danger of becoming a "profit center".

p.s. - for the record, i dislike ads even more than most people, but i understand that all this stuff isn't "free", and so far it seems AUGI is being sensitive to not ruining the site with ads (though that's rather subjective).

cliff collins
2010-08-05, 06:27 PM
A profit center for AUGI. The potential danger is that the focus will then be how much revenue is derived from advertising--not the quality of the forum provided for the users.

Again, just my personal take on the issue--everyone has their own views.

I've seen this trend on lots of other website/forums which began as very high quality
with the users in mind, and then become so full of ads that I ( and a lot of others )
stopped participating, because of the distraction of ads and a shift in focus away from
the original intent.

In contrast to the AUGI forums, the official Adsk forums have NO ads.


Brian Myers
2010-08-05, 06:33 PM
I am just wondering how for 10 years AUGI survived very well WITHOUT ads
on its pages--and all of a sudden ads begin showing up.

I can answer that, at least partially. AUGI survived for 10 years because it:

1) Was much smaller.

2) While "international", it wasn't actively pursuing that designation until fairly recently in its history.

3) It doesn't get the same funding from Autodesk as it used to, partially I'm sure because it isn't controlled by Autodesk and partially because I would imagine Autodesk's budget is being focused in other directions which includes its own online forums and marketing initiatives. Even the travel costs of Autodesk employees is being watched a bit more closely.

4) AUGI isn't just forums. It's publications, CAD Camps, and a variety of other services. That being said, items like Advertising revenue are decreasing due to the tough economic times and redirection of revenues of smaller (and larger) 3rd party sources. For me it was a sad day when CADapolis closed up shop, but its a good example of what has happened to many sponsors/3rd party developers.

5) The cost to run a website and have expanded services increases due to inflation...so 10 years ago it was just less expensive to have an AUGI.

6) On a related note to #5 and #1 its not only more expensive due to inflation, but due to raw volume of traffic... plus the site is quite a bit more complete than it was a few years ago.

2010-08-05, 06:33 PM
They have FUNDING. Theyre owned by AUTODESK. I agree that ad's are distracting, all the more reason why id prefer a donation solution, over ads.

So youre not okay with ads, and youre not okay with donations. Youre only okay with the Factory paying for it, when they already have forums they pay for, lol. I dont see an outcome here thats youre going to like...?

cliff collins
2010-08-05, 06:37 PM

Yes. Exactly my point. I don't see many outcomes that are very positive for a learning environment like the Revit Forums. Which is precisely why I began this thread.


2010-08-05, 06:42 PM

Thats not what i meant. The tone of the thread indicates that "no action" (meaning no change at all... no ads, no funding, and no donations) is a possibility: Its not. I mean, someone has to pay the ISP, the Server space, the maintenance crew. And the money that was there previously, isnt anymore. So if you dont want ads, and you dont want to donate, where do you propose the money come from?

cliff collins
2010-08-05, 06:56 PM
I'm not interested in suggesting a business model for AUGI, and it's not my call.
I'm simply stating that I'm concerned that the lack of funding (wherever it comes from)
may end up driving the focus into a direction which will not be conducive to learning.
I understand that the funding used to come from outside sources, and needs to be replaced with new sources. But pop-ups and annoying ads may not be the best solution,
as it may alienate users--especially if it escalates like I've seen on other sites.


2010-08-05, 06:56 PM
A profit center for AUGI.
In contrast to the AUGI forums, the official Adsk forums have NO ads.


And no useful information. And more propaganda. And a thread kill policy that is totally opaque but basically "If we don't like it, it's gone with no notice or explanation, because we own the forum." I am sure someone is going to refute that, but my experience has been that you rarely if ever get anything of value from the Autodesk support groups, and if you do it was likely information that you would have gotten here also, and faster.

And while I have the same worries that the advertising could get out of hand here, the policy that Mark outlined, and the rational behind it, seems unlikely to let that happen. And since the policy is public, if things start to go south, we as members have the ammo to say "That wasn't what was said before!" as well as the ability to vote in new management that runs on a "no advertising" platform if it becomes a big enough issue for people.
Personally I hate advertising, but I hate back room corporate influence even more, and if that door is even slightly ajar, a corporation will take advantage.
A little advertising, and/or a little membership dues, is my preference over Autodesk support, especially Autodesk support that can't actually be depended on and results in undue influence.


cliff collins
2010-08-05, 07:06 PM

Check posts on Adsk Revit Forum by Alfredo Medina, myself and many others--which are quite valuable, I believe-- and never any problems being "snuffed out" by administrators.

The simple interface and lack of ads makes it a good place to learn and participate,


Scott D Davis
2010-08-05, 07:18 PM
A profit center for AUGI.

AUGI is a non-profit organization run by volunteers. The money coming in whether by sponsor, donations, or ads is just simply to keep AUGI up and running.

2010-08-05, 07:22 PM
I'm not interested in suggesting a business model for AUGI, and it's not my call.
I'm simply stating that I'm concerned that the lack of funding (wherever it comes from)
may end up driving the focus into a direction which will not be conducive to learning.
I understand that the funding used to come from outside sources, and needs to be replaced with new sources. But pop-ups and annoying ads may not be the best solution,
as it may alienate users--especially if it escalates like I've seen on other sites.


Soooooo, you dont want to offer suggestions, except to nay say the only ones out there. Well, thats fair, i suppose. Not constructive, but fair.

I guess im glad itll go whichever way itll go. If they put more ads, or a donation, and it drives people back to the Autodesk forums, then there you go. I- for one- wouldnt trade this place for that place, unless the ads got "Revit city league" out of control. A few in the mast- and heck- a few at the sides, and im happy go lucky about it.

Although id still kick a few dollars a month to keep them off. Theres a metric ton of users here. Ill bet 5 dollars a month from the users here would be a hefty contribution. But thats just my two cents. :)

2010-08-05, 07:30 PM
Check posts on Adsk Revit Forum by Alfredo Medina, myself and many others--which are quite valuable...

Autodesk Product Support also has a certain level of commitment to responding to the the Autodesk forum questions since they have been relaunched with the new web interface.

Scott D Davis
2010-08-05, 07:31 PM
And no useful information. And more propaganda. And a thread kill policy that is totally opaque but basically "If we don't like it, it's gone with no notice or explanation, because we own the forum." I am sure someone is going to refute that, but my experience has been that you rarely if ever get anything of value from the Autodesk support groups, and if you do it was likely information that you would have gotten here also, and faster.

And while I have the same worries that the advertising could get out of hand here, the policy that Mark outlined, and the rational behind it, seems unlikely to let that happen. And since the policy is public, if things start to go south, we as members have the ammo to say "That wasn't what was said before!" as well as the ability to vote in new management that runs on a "no advertising" platform if it becomes a big enough issue for people.
Personally I hate advertising, but I hate back room corporate influence even more, and if that door is even slightly ajar, a corporation will take advantage.
A little advertising, and/or a little membership dues, is my preference over Autodesk support, especially Autodesk support that can't actually be depended on and results in undue influence.


The Autodesk Discussion Groups (http://forums.autodesk.com/#) have only recently been regulary visited by Autodesk Support staff. There was an internal effort to make sure our Support organization was much more visible and proactive there. Many Autodesk staff, including myself, are also active here, but aren't "required" in any way like the Discussion groups. I'm on AUGI because I have always been a part of the Forums back to the day when this was the Zoogdesign forums. So when I went from being in practice to joining Autodesk, I continued to read and post and be helpful. I enjoy it and I learn a lot from it as well.

Posts here too can go "poof" if the guidelines are not followed. It rarely happens, and you may not like it, but I have asked for posts and entire threads to be removed. I used to be a moderator of these Forums, but chose to give that up when I joined Autodesk as I didn't want any conflicts of interest. I was asked to moderate several times when I was non-Autodesk. Usually we try and contact the poster and tell them why moderation was necessary, but we aren't obligated to do that, and neither are the moderators here on AUGI.

cliff collins
2010-08-05, 07:34 PM
As the originator of this thread, I'd be fine with it if it went "poof"--as I think the subject has now been thoroughly beat to death!


2010-08-05, 08:23 PM
It took years to get these ads turned on, literally years of debate and arguing. I was on the board for two years and it was a recurring discussion. Nobody likes ads, except maybe advertisers. :smile:

The words profit and AUGI are antithetical or paradoxical...sadly. No facts or historical precedence to suggest there is any real fear of that ever happening. It is a Not-for-Profit corporation.

2010-08-05, 08:52 PM
The idea, mooted earlier, of the PayPal button where one can voluntarily contribute if one so chooses, is, imo, one funding option that the AUGI board should immediately adopt.

As with others, I am more than happy to chip in a few dollars here and there to assist in keeping the ship on an even keel.



2010-08-05, 09:22 PM
When I was on the board we discussed, endlessly, what we thought members might be willing to contribute. I seem to recall a Paypal approach getting started but don't know what happened to it going live.