View Full Version : Joining Detail Lines

2010-07-08, 04:56 PM
When drawing details I use a detail line for waterproofing and such, and when that line has to kink to lap over another element, is there a way to "join" these lines without grouping them? (akin to pline join from autocad)

2010-07-08, 05:12 PM
As you have found out, there is no pline in Revit.... but, if when you draw your lines and if you have the "chain" box checked on the options bar, all the lines can be picked with one pick. (or individual segments can be picked using the tab)

2010-07-08, 05:13 PM
No, there is nothing like a pline in Revit... though you can hover over a line (or a wall) and tab through to select connected elements.