View Full Version : Info only Parameter's

Paul P.
2004-12-15, 09:26 AM
I am amending a door family that has two parameters Door Panel Width and Door Panel Height both with formula that read as info only. Is it possible to change these so that they can appear in a door schedule.

Regards, Paul.

Chad Smith
2004-12-15, 09:55 AM
I think what you are after is a Shared Parameter. This way you can use your Shared Parameters within your family but also add them to your schedule.

I'm not at work at the moment so I can't run you through it step by step, but try reading up on it in the Revit help.

Paul P.
2004-12-15, 10:57 AM
Chad, I have changed it to a shared parameter but still no joy, have checked it against another door family where the Door Panel Width and Door Panel Height does show in the schedule. I'm probably missing something obvious, will keep trying.


2004-12-15, 11:45 AM
I may be looking at this too simply, but I would just not include it in the schedule???

Phil Palmer
2004-12-15, 12:24 PM

It must be the case that these parameters are not external parameters if they dont appear in your available schedule fields in your door schedule.
I believe that all the UK door families have external parameters assigned for these
Are you adapting one of them or using your own

2004-12-15, 12:31 PM
Try this:

Open the door family & create two new shared parameters with names similar to the Door Panel Width and Door Panel Height parameters.

Then set the new parameters equal to the DPW & DPH parameters above.

The new parameters should then appear as fields that you can place in your schedule.

Paul P.
2004-12-15, 02:24 PM
Thanks for the replies.

Jim, I have been asked to show the door panel height and width in the schedule otherwise I would as you say not include it in the schedule.

Hi Phil, the parameters are external parameters and do appear in the available schedule field as I have another door in the schedule who’s door panel height and width does appear in the schedule. The adapted door was originally one of the UK door families.

Andrew, I did create two new shared parameters with the same names and the same formula.

Strange thing happened; I did a test schedule to send to our Revit support with just a wall and a selection of doors in. The door panel height and width’s that would not schedule the project I’m working on scheduled fine but the door panel height and width’s that did schedule didn’t show up. Both schedules are filtered, sorted etc exactly the same, I just can’t figure it out. I know that it’s going to be something obvious. If that make's sense.

Will post when I figure it out.


2004-12-15, 09:46 PM
It could be something simple- such as, did you add the shared parameters into the project using the Project Parameters dialogue ?

Mr Spot
2004-12-15, 10:24 PM
I've noticed sometimes shared parameters don't automatically load and have to be manually inserted as BG mentioned.

Go to the file menu,

Select shared parameters and then find the external parameter files by selecting browse.

Once you've located them click okay.

Now go to your settings menu select project parameters,

Click add;

Select the shared parameter radio button,

pick select;

select one of the two parameters you wish to add;

Give it a name, type, instance etc...and select what category you want to include it under "doors"

Click okay and it should now appear in all your door families and schedules