View Full Version : brick wall & conc beam - continuous plaster layer issue

2010-07-10, 06:27 AM
I got stuck up with wall- beam plaster issue.
the problem is i want my wall layer plasters (inner and outer) to wrap up the concrete beam above. i have tried to modify it in the properties by selecting the top face of the plaster layer and unlock it, but i could unlock only one side of wall plaster layer and not the other side. could someone help me how can i unlock both the layers (inner and outer) of the plasters so that i can wrap up the beam with continuous brick wall plaster layers.

thanks in advance.

2010-07-10, 08:00 AM
you don`t need to use unlock features.
just align top at the wall with top of the beam then join them.

2010-07-10, 08:27 AM
my problem is not regarding aligning of the wall with bottom of beam. i wanna wrap up the plaster of wall with beam. i wanna stretch the plaster layers of the wall so that they cover both sides of the concrete beam too.

2010-07-10, 10:49 AM
what gaby said is align the wall to the TOP of the beam. The beam will cutout the core layers of your wall (or whatever thickness your beam covers) when you join them, leaving the plaster layers also aligned with the beam top face. No unlocking of wall layers neccessary.

someone correct me if i'm wrong.

2010-07-10, 11:06 AM
Ya i got it....and it worked :)
thanks gaby ..thanks tropitech...wow.