View Full Version : Deployment w/ screen config

2010-07-12, 06:47 PM
I'm preparing my deployment for 2011 this week.
After playing around with screen layout, I've come to the conclusion that Steve has the perfect layout:

My question: Is there any way I can deploy 2011 so that Revit starts with that screen layout the very first time a user touches 2011?
I know my users. If I just send it out with the default configuration and tell them how to set up the Properties Palette to the right - a month later half of them are going to ask me how to do it.

So, can I create the deployment with a preferred screen layout, or maybe a reg hack to set it up?
The other problem is, there are several different machines, different resolutions, and even some single & some dual-monitor.

2010-07-12, 08:16 PM
Looks like a registry setting @

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011\Components\Panels

PropertiesPalette = R,0,0,0,1.000000,255,-1,-1,-1,-1,N

The above value sets it to the right on mine.