View Full Version : Walls

2003-09-30, 10:04 PM
I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding what my walls can and cannot do. First of all I have my wall extending up to Level 2, from here I have my roof bearing at an offset from Level 2. What I'm trying to accomplish is to have my siding and sheathing extend up and meet the underside of my roof, but I want my structure of the wall and interior finish to stay at Level 2. First, can this be accomplished? And if so, how?

For a workaround I've drawn a second wall, starting at Level 2 and then attach it to the roof, it works but is a lot of extra work.


Paul Monsef
2003-09-30, 10:39 PM
Yes this can be done.

You will need to edit your wall style and Unlock the layers which you would like to extend. Once this is done, you'll be able to drag the unlocked wall layers up or down in section / or elevation as needed.

Take a look at "Vertically Compound Walls" in the help files...

2003-09-30, 10:47 PM
That was my first thought and I had tried it, but I got an error stating:

"Cannot extend layer(s) of the highlighted vertically compound wall."

I've tried one layer at a time and get the same error.


Paul Monsef
2003-09-30, 11:20 PM
..but I want my structure of the wall and interior finish to stay at Level 2

ah, I didn't catch that before. All unlocked layers must be adjacent for this to work.

I'm no expert, maybe this will work. :D Try unlocking the exterior layers only, extend them as needed and use the Edit Cut Profile to modify the Interior Finish.

2003-10-01, 01:15 AM
Try unlocking the structure layer and leaving the finish layers locked...then run the whole thing up to where you want it and drag the structure layer down. If this does not work because you want the different layers at different heights, then wha you need to do is just run the roof to th point on the wall that you need and then join geometry...this should clean up a lot of the layering...but not all. Post a pic of what exactly you want, and maybe we will be able to suggest other ideas as well.

Allen Lacy
2003-10-01, 12:44 PM
Also if you attach a wall to a roof or floor, you cannot extend a layer.

2003-10-01, 03:32 PM
I've tried to attach a really simple sample of what I'm trying to do. It is the exact wall type that I'm actually using in the project and the roof style. The callout has some text and drafting lines showing what I'm trying to accomplish.

Thanks for the help.


Scott D Davis
2003-10-01, 03:50 PM
I can get your example to do almost what you want it to do, except for getting the outside layers to match the angle of the roof.

I did this by editing the properties of the wall, then edit the section view of the wall. Unlock the two outside layers. Then, after clicking OK in the dialog boxes, back in the model, hover over the top line of the outside layers and click TAB until just the top line of the layers highlights. Then drag it up to the new position.

see image:


2003-10-01, 04:02 PM
Ok, now I'm really frustrated.

Scott, that is close enough for what I'm trying to accomplish. So I tried it on my project and continue to get this error message when I unlock the outside two layers. But if I also unlock the structure then it works, only this is not what I want. So I went into the test file, the one I uploaded and it worked there just as your example did. Any other suggestions?


Allen Lacy
2003-10-01, 04:02 PM
I can get your example to do almost what you want it to do, except for getting the outside layers to match the angle of the roof.

One way to do this might be to create two separate walls. Sheathing and siding for one wall and structure and interior finish on the other. Seems like trouble, though.

Scott D Davis
2003-10-01, 04:14 PM
Ok, now I'm really frustrated.

Scott, that is close enough for what I'm trying to accomplish. So I tried it on my project and continue to get this error message when I unlock the outside two layers. But if I also unlock the structure then it works, only this is not what I want. So I went into the test file, the one I uploaded and it worked there just as your example did. Any other suggestions?


Have you edited the elevation profile of the wall you are trying to extend the layers of? If so, it wont work. Make sure your wall is not attached to the roof, and that the elevation profile is not edited.

2003-10-01, 04:27 PM
You can use the cut profile tool to get the layers to follow the roof.

2003-10-01, 04:31 PM
I have not edited the elevation profile. I had the walls attached to the roof at one point, but....wait a minute

Ok, the "wall" I was so focused with was not attached, but there were other walls within the project which were attached. So I detached all the walls and it works..... Makes sense that all the walls of that type need to be detached, I guess I was to focused on the one wall I was working with.

Thanks so much for your help.


2003-10-01, 04:47 PM
Thanks Chris for that tip.

By the way, congrats on becoming a dad!

I've got a 3 year old and an 8 month old...busy household
