View Full Version : Image frames

2010-07-13, 06:40 PM
Hey everyone!

I have x-ref'd some jpg's into a CAD file that I have used wipeouts on to edit. My tframes are turned off FRAME is set to 3 and my imageframe is set to 0. I have tried every variable under the sun and when I do a print preview, the drawing is perfect. However, I need some lines to show up in color and when I print it in color, my wipeouts show up and I can't get rid of them. When I print it in black and white, they don't show up. I'm running out of ideas to try and solve this. I'm pretty new at 2011 so any input would be much appreciated!

2010-07-14, 09:56 AM
When you say the wipeout's are printed are they printed as filled in blocks, or are their frames printed? Wipeout's have a separate thing setting their frames. It's not the imageframe as with images.

Simply type the Wipeout command, type F for frames, and OFF. This should turn them off completely. However you can't now select the wipeout - for that you have to urn on the frames again. Fortunately it does this all in one go for all wipeouts in the drawing, not just a selected few.

What I usually do to get around this problem is put the wipeouts on a layer with its colour=255. Then my pen settings force an RGB value to that colour of very close to white 254,254,254. Unfortunately if you use 255,255,255 it changes to Object Color and you get a slight grey line. Alternatively you can change the 255 colour's screening=0%.