View Full Version : "Wall and instance phasing settings" warning

2010-07-13, 08:17 PM
I have an existing wall with an existing door. Door needs to be demolished. Most of the time it's no big deal but on this particular door I get the warning about "wall and instance have different phasing settings. Automatic creation of the infilling wall fails". If I hit OK the wall goes away but no infill wall is created (open hole). If I hit delete instance, the door goes away altogether and only the solid existing wall is left (as if the door was never there in the first place).

There are no sweeps in the wall, but I do have an existing storefront element directly above and touching the top of the door.

I changed the storefront to start 1" above the door frame, and everything worked fine (demo door, place new door in infilling element), but as soon as I bring the storefront back down to touch the top of the door frame, I get the same warning.

It looks okay on the demo and new plans now since I placed the new door while the storefront was pulled up from the door, but I'm just wondering why it's doing this in the first place.

2010-07-21, 04:13 PM
I'm having the same issue. It seems to happen more often on projects where we have used design options and then accepted a design option to move forward with.

I have a new window that slightly overlaps an "existing/ demoed" window opening. When the new window is completely outside of the "infilling" piece there is no issue, but once the new window overlaps the infill element that's when I get the error message.

I have not been able to figure out a fix.

2010-07-21, 08:40 PM
This is a known problem with Revit with existing/demo/new phases. The way I've worked around this is to create an opening (I have a wall-based family of just an opening - the wall opening tool never seems to work right for me) and then use a non-wall-based family for the door/window you want to demo. So when you demo the existing door/window the opening is still there (like it is in real life). I think the problem has something to do with the self-healing walls.

2010-07-22, 11:38 AM
I'm having big issues with this. I have been asked to create a design option and I can't add the required elements to sets due to so many warnings - not helpful. I have had to resign to creating a copy of the project for the variation with the knowledge that the new option is likely to go ahead. Phases are causing me allot of problems but I would like to keep them. Tricky :?

2010-08-04, 03:01 PM
I'm having the same issue, but all of my elements are the same phase (New Construction). I'm just trying to join my wall with my mezzanine floor. It worked on one wall, but not the other. :?

2010-08-04, 03:05 PM
Never mind, figured it out. I have a porch on that end, and I created a pony wall that was joining the main wall. I just disallowed the join on the pony wall and it works fine.

2015-05-12, 07:39 PM
I had this same issue when trying to make pocket doors with a nested 3D pocket and also when I was nesting a generic sill into all of my window families.

When a wall-based family (with an opening cut) is set to DEMO and is overlapped by a wall-based family (with an opening cut AND a nested family opening cut… ie. two opening cuts overlapping in one family but sharing an edge) and set to NEW, you will get a warning that “Wall and instance have different phasing settings. Automatic creation of the infilling wall fails” and your infill walls will disappear.

EXAMPLE #2 (reverse phasing of families):
When a wall-based family (with an opening cut) is set to NEW and is overlapped by a wall-based family (with an opening cut AND a nested family opening cut… ie. two opening cuts overlapping in one family but sharing an edge) and set to DEMO, you will get no warning, but your infill walls will still fail.

To Resolve:
Get rid of the nested family or shape it to always cut the host in the parent family to resolve the error and to repair your infill wall.
This is still an issue in Revit 2016.