View Full Version : Crop regions with DWG imported "current view only"

Wes Macaulay
2003-10-01, 12:12 AM
I can't for the life of me remember if there's any way to crop a view with a DWG inserted in a plan with the "current view only" option enabled.

And I certainly can't seem to crop it... anyone got the deal on how I do this? As it stands the DWG data goes right over the crop boundary - the crop region seems to have no effect.

TIA, folks.

2003-10-01, 01:06 AM
If I remember correctly, you can only crop an imported dwg when current view is unchecked.

Yes, needs fixing.

2003-10-01, 02:31 AM
Mod : The post from Phil Read that this referred to has been moved to Tip and Tricks.
Hey Phil,

I've just arranged for Carol to renew your contract for the next 50 years !

( - of course, the deal is a minimum of 3 great tips like this per week :wink: )

I'll post a copy of this in the Tips forum also.

2003-10-01, 02:31 AM
Okay, now this needs to be reworked into Tips & Tricks...care to do the honors BeeGee?

2003-10-01, 02:32 AM

2003-10-01, 11:38 AM
:oops: :cry: Okay...we've managed to lose Phil Read's informative post while trying to place a copy in TnT's. Our bad! :oops: :cry:

Hopefully we can drag another explanation out of Phil's busy day? Phil, the moderators will buy you a drink of choice at AU, but you have to attend :shock:

When we get out of "timeout" we are going back for more basic training; mainly the classes: "The Post is Paramount", "It's the Post, Man" and who could forget the riveting "No it's Not Thread Like in Your Clothes".

2003-10-01, 11:50 AM
that's it.....

where did i put my whip :twisted: