View Full Version : Hard Return in Lables:

jj mac
2010-07-15, 06:44 PM
Anyone out there know how to get a hard return in a lable?

I have been reading through some threads with some suggestions of using ctrl+shift, or ctrl+M... I can't get ctrl+shift to work at all, but I can get ctrl+M to work but only sometimes.

Most of the tme it gives me this error:

Dimitri Harvalias
2010-07-16, 04:29 PM
Depending on the the label you won't be able to add the hard return.
As a general rule, any view title, sheet name or other 'system' parameter that is hard coded into Revit and appears in the project browser won't allow a hard return.
A view title will only allow 'Title on Sheet' to be changed. To do this you'll need to access it through the dialogue box.
What label are you trying to change?