View Full Version : Electrical Plan problem

2004-12-15, 07:18 PM
I have a project with 3 phases, "Existing, New & in that order. I copied the floor plans and set them to the electrical phase so that the backgounds are halftoned. When I place electrical symbols they show properly but do not show up in elevation views unless I set the objects phase to "Electrical", which makes it halftoned in the electrical plan view. I have tried every concievable phase filter combination and still cant figure it out. any suggestions would be appreciated.

2004-12-15, 09:35 PM
Usually, for the elevation views, setting the phase filter to "show complete " in the Electrical Phase should display correctly. If it doesn't - check your filter settings New and Existing should be set to "by category" and Demolished and Temporary should be set to "Not Displayed".

2004-12-16, 04:29 AM
I had everything set as suggested in the link regarding electrical plans and in yourprevious reply Beegee. The problem seems to be now that in the elevation view if you set it to the electrical phase & show complete everything displays properly in the elevation but then the elevation symbol in the plan view no longer shows up (because that elevation view is set to electrical phase which the floor plan is not. My conclusion is that this maybe a misuse of phasing. It just seems to get too convoluted. I have come up with a method I prefer that to my mind is simpler (does that mean I am simple minded? ok I admit it.) I propose the following method for electrical plans:

1) Make a copy of the floor plan & rename it “X floor electrical plan”
2) Set model graphics to display “as Underlay”
3) Go to Visibility settings for the electrical plan view & set all objects except
Electrical items,light fixtures& detail lines to Halftone

Now the background floor plan will display as halftone & the electrical objects , be they model or line elements will display as dark, this method does not require the use of phasing at all.

2004-12-16, 04:42 AM
Sure, that'll work too.

You probably don't need the model set as underlay though, if you changing all but the electrical display using vis graphics.

2004-12-16, 06:31 AM
yes you are right you dont need to set the model to underlay this way. thanks

2004-12-16, 09:57 AM
what sorry..yea he is right