View Full Version : Curtain Panel - Reference Level

2010-07-19, 03:17 PM
we have nested generic window families into a curtain panel family - so they will schedule as windows; and because we found it easier to model with curtain walls during schematic design - but I have a few questions, or problems with this technique.

I have a panel which is placed on a level which differs from the two other panels in the wall. i.e. curtain wall on level A; three panels placed into the curtain wall report 2 different levels - 2 on level A, and 1 on level B. Why is this?
There does not appear to be a way to change it. When I look at the properties for the panel, there is no parameter for "ref. level"; unless I select it from the schedule first, but then it is greyed out. I have tried to delete the panel to replace it, but I cannot - delete is also greyed out.
Several panels throughout the model show up on the window schedule but they have no marks associated with them, while others do. In our schedules, we itemize every instance and assign unique numbers to each for tagging. On the schedule one row really accounts for several instances, and I am checking now to ensure they are not being counted more than once.The initial totals make me think they are. Any thoughts on this?thanks.

4. After investigating it appears that there are two instances of these windows. The curtain panel family which contains the nested window, and an instance of the nested window itself. I cannot delete either except to select it in the schedule and delete the row. Deleting either one - the curtain panel, or the nested window - and the model remains as intended. If I delete the curtain wall itself, the panel and the window are deleted. Am I missing something about nesting a window family into a curtain family?

Scott Womack
2010-07-19, 09:01 PM
There is a curtainwall window family template that will schedule as a window, while being a curtainwall family. That way you are not getting a chance of a double instance.

2010-07-20, 02:17 AM
ahh, I never saw that. Interesting: the category is set to window, not curtain panel, in that template.

I determined earlier today that I had indeed modified my curtain panel to be categorized as "window" and that my nested window family (generic categorized as window) was not shared. And, if I shared the nested window family, and changed the curtain panel category back to curtain panel, then the two instances remained - one CP and one Window - but the CP no longer scheduled in the window schedule. It took half the day to get all the families sorted out, but i think i finished the day with a schedule that was what I wanted. Maybe now, I should nest the generic windows in the curtain panel as window template and.....

Still looking for a solution to the issue of a curtain wall being on one level, while the panels reference a different level. Why is it that I cannot delete a curtain panel, except through a schedule?

Scott Womack
2010-07-20, 09:24 AM
Still looking for a solution to the issue of a curtain wall being on one level, while the panels reference a different level. Why is it that I cannot delete a curtain panel, except through a schedule?

I admit I have never looked that closely at curtainwall panels, as to their "level".

As to deleting a curtainwall panel, in the OOTB default template, there is an "empty" curtainwall system panel. This is in effect a "null" panel. Changing a panel in a curtainwall to this will make an effective "hole" in the curtainwall. You can't actually completely "delete" a panel in a curtainwall, because then the "definition" of the curtainwall would not be complete in the file database. I'm guessing that this is one of those instances where Revit is trying to protect itself from corruption.