View Full Version : Customizing the Revision Schedule

Revit for Breakfast
2010-07-21, 02:41 PM
Been checking the forum and I can't seem to find this little nifty jobbie.

Typically revisions are in sequence of A, B, C, OR 1, 2, 3. at our office they want the otion of B01, B02, B03 etc.. and C01, C02, C03 etc.. .

See the pictures below.

How do I facilitate this?

In the past they achieved it by using labels and project parameters. Lots of manually typing. To me this seems unRevit like and more an autoCad Approach.


Alfredo Medina
2010-07-21, 03:17 PM
This is not possible. You can have revisions 1, 2, 3, or A, B, C, and, if you use a prefix in your tags, you could have have them show something like A1, A2, A3,... but no, you canĀ“t have B01, B02, B03...and C01, C02, C03... in the same project, since there can be only one sequence of revisions.

Just curious, why do you post the same question twice, the same day, with different user names?

Dave Jones
2010-07-21, 03:44 PM
Just curious, why do you post the same question twice, the same day, with different user names?

double personality?

2010-07-21, 03:47 PM
I saw the other thread, likely 2 different people in the same office posting about the same issue, and didn't know the other was posting.

Revit for Breakfast
2010-07-21, 04:36 PM
I just reactivated an account that I haven't used in 4 years, was unexperienced then and the posts reinforced that. I didn't want to seem like a newbie when I'm not now. Hope that answers it.

Now if only my old posts would disappear.

Alfredo Medina
2010-07-21, 05:07 PM
I just reactivated an account that I haven't used in 4 years, was unexperienced then and the posts reinforced that. I didn't want to seem like a newbie when I'm not now. Hope that answers it.

Now if only my old posts would disappear.

Well, welcome back. Unnecessary worries, in my opinion. Don't worry about that. We all are or were inexperienced with Revit, in all or in portions of it. The learning process never ends.

2010-07-21, 10:31 PM
In response to the original question:

I got this from a Revit blog, as well as another post within this forum regarding revisions:

Use the "Issued to" column for your numbering (i.e. B01, B02, ...) and adjust your Revision Schedule in your title block to use the "Issued to" field instead of something else for the "REV" column.

Revit for Breakfast
2010-07-22, 12:43 PM
In response to the original question:

I got this from a Revit blog, as well as another post within this forum regarding revisions:

Use the "Issued to" column for your numbering (i.e. B01, B02, ...) and adjust your Revision Schedule in your title block to use the "Issued to" field instead of something else for the "REV" column.

Awesome, Awesome and Awesome! It works so Well!!

2010-07-22, 11:46 PM
Yep, I've been using 'Issued To' for years.

Still, its a workaround. I would like to see some native support, so that we weren't misusing parameters in order to get the job done.

BIM shouldn't be about breaking the rules, it should be about following them.

2010-10-07, 04:53 PM
I would have to agree. Why are we not allowed to add parameters to the Revisions to be whatever we want and be referenced by correct parameters and properly made tags referencing the correct parameters. I was shocked to find out I had no options for doing this.

Our office in the past has liked to list what the revision is so it is less confusing than the sequential numbering. Ex. ASI 1, PR 2, CO 6, etc...so a revision tag with a 4 in it doesn't refernce ASI 1 on the project. Would be simple if they let us add additional parameters, but for now it looks like we can get by with the Issued to and from that no one seems to use anyway.

2011-11-30, 03:15 PM
I heard at a conference around 6 months ago, someone saying this method of scheduling was now possible in 2012, but they didn't say if that was using a workaround, or whether it was added functionality.

Does anyone know which it is, as I can't seem to see how it would be possible looking at it now.