View Full Version : Structural Link - Colored Lines and Dots?

2010-07-23, 05:22 PM
We have our Structural Consultant's Revit file linked in and it is bringing in all sorts of colored elements. (I have attached a pdf with an example)

I can't seem to isolate in VG what these are. They seem to be locating elements, but I can't turn them off.

I know that it is coming from our structural model because when I turn it off, they go away. I can get them to disappear if I change the link visability to "by host view," but I want to know what it is.

If I go into the structural model, I don't even see them to figure out what they are.

Anyone else come across this or know what it is? Thanks in advance!

2010-07-23, 05:55 PM
These look like the structual analytical model. There should be a subcategory for each of the structural categories that allows you to turn off the analytical sub category.


Dimitri Harvalias
2010-07-23, 08:55 PM
Jason is correct. You'll need to turn Those object categories off from the VG tab of the linked file, not the host model.

2010-07-24, 11:13 AM
You will want to recreate your view templates with these items turned off in the likned file or you will be repeating this task hundreds of times.

2010-07-26, 03:14 PM
Thanks for the help! I was able to go into the structural file and access the instance properties of the structural walls and un-check the analytical model check box. (I have attached a pdf of the dialogue box where I turned it off) Is this what you all are referring to?

This turned the colored lines off, but it seems as if you all are referring to a setting in VG. How would I turn it off in VG?

Thank you!

2010-07-26, 03:46 PM
You don't want to make the change in the structural model because everytime you get a new model you'll have to make that same change over and over again, unless you can get your structural guy to turn off the analytical stuff before he sends you the file.

What is begin refered to in VG is under the Revit Links tab all the way on the right is the Display Settings column. It is set to By Host View as default but if you pick in that box it will turn into a radio button, pick it again and a new dialog box comes up. You can then pick the Custom option and switch to the Model Categories tab, near the top is a drop down that will need to be set to Custom also. Then you can adjust the visibility settings of the linked file just as you did in the actual structural project, the difference is now you project will retain those settings when you get updated models.

2010-07-27, 01:42 PM
Thank you Eric!