View Full Version : 2011 RECtangle operation changed???

2010-07-26, 05:10 PM
Hey everyone,

I can't believe that I am posting this but, has the functionality of the RECtangle command been changed with 2011?

In previous versions to draw a rectangle that is 12" x 8" I would type REC (or click the toobar button), hit Enter, click where I wanted the rectangle to start, drag my cursor and type '12' ',' '8' and then Enter again. This would produce the correct result.

Now when I try the same thing I don't get anything even close!! Has anyone seen this or is there a new way it works??



2010-07-26, 06:06 PM
Are you using @ prior to the coordinates? This will make the points relative to your first click. Without the @, it is at 12,8. Make sense?

2010-07-26, 06:36 PM
I have never had to in the past, but I will give it a shot. I also have since found another method following the command line prompts. Start the command, click where you want to start, 'D' for dimensional, then type width and length.

Thanks for the tip!


****I just realized that my Dynamic Input was turned off, I turned it back on and all is good again Thx.****

2010-07-26, 07:59 PM
I have never had to in the past
Can you define "past"?

****I just realized that my Dynamic Input was turned off, I turned it back on and all is good again Thx.****

Sounds like you are running into the "relative" vs. "absolute" method of specifying coordinates, which has always been around, but the introduction of dynamic input changed the defaults and input methods....