View Full Version : Transparent Boundary Lines

2010-07-28, 03:07 PM
This is a request sent to me... I think the concept that is being thought of here is more the idea of merge features...

We are looking at the thoughts of thick area boundary lines that are colors... that are wiping out walls... it would be nice to have the merge feature so that both the thick color line of the boundary and the wall detail could be seen... rather than the boundary line wiping out the walls... or if someone were to find the ability to force the boundary lines behind the walls the walls wiping out the boundary lines...

Any ideas...

or is this just a wish...

This is something very useful in the planning stages design development... and working with clients with their preliminary over all requirements for large sites multi use facilities

2010-07-28, 03:23 PM
One method.

Add your boundary lines to the view.

Duplicate (without detailing) the view.

Place the view with the boundary lines on a sheet.

Place the view without the boundary lines on the sheet directly on top of the boundary line view.

2010-07-28, 03:48 PM
One method.

Add your boundary lines to the view.

Duplicate (without detailing) the view.

Place the view with the boundary lines on a sheet.

Place the view without the boundary lines on the sheet directly on top of the boundary line view.

THIS IS ASSUMING THAT VIEWS MERGE... Now I had this working in ver. 2008... since we upgraded to ver 2010 my view overwrite... not merge... so if I were to overlap to views only one view would show...

Any idea why?

I would love to have the merging views again...

I have many uses for this above and beyond your suggestion here...

2010-07-28, 05:36 PM
Seems to work in 2011 (see attachment)

2010-07-28, 05:56 PM
Seems to work in 2011 (see attachment)

O.K. you make me want the next up date... and hope for my next project... what joy...

I know it is coming soon to our office... maybe not in time for the current projects that are on our plates... but it will be helpful when it shows up...

Glad to see it again...
