View Full Version : Example VBA for RD

2010-07-30, 08:41 AM
Please, how porting example VBA code RD 2010,2011 32bit to 64 bit?


WinXP64 + Autocad 2010(Inventor)+RasterDesign2010

Ed Jobe
2010-07-30, 02:56 PM
There is no difference in the code. You need to install the right version of vba, though. See this page (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?siteID=123112&id=12715668&linkID=9240618) to download the 64bit version. Once the correct vba engine is installed, you will also probably need to force your dvb to recompile. To do this, make some small edit to the code, delete it and then do Debug>Compile. Then save your dvb.

2010-07-30, 08:51 PM
I have instaling 64VBA from autocad. / autocad2010vbaenabler640.exe /

I lerning VBA with Raster design 2010. Help hat example VBA code.
I copy this code from VBA project and run macro.

In this line code AutoCAD+Raster Design crash:

Sub Example_AecImageObjectList()

For I = 0 To coList.CurrentSpaceCount -1 ..........' / 0
imID = coList.CurrentSpaceObjectID(I) ..........'/ -6883280
coFileName.ImageObjectID = imID ...........'/ error and
crash AutoCAD

