View Full Version : 2011 How to reduce file size in AutoCAD

2010-07-31, 09:20 AM
I usually create 3D model of Aeroplane and for me file size is very important. I want to reduce the file size as per as possible. I usually create the profiles of the aeroplane and loft it. I take minimum sections to reduce the size. Still file size is big. Can you give me some tips to keep the file size minimum.

Best regards,

2010-08-02, 02:03 AM
If the file is large and slowing your system down try putting individual components into blocks. To take it further if you pick 0 X 0 Y and 0 Z coordinates as your block base point you can delete the block from the page and reload it later when necessary using 0 XYZ as the insertion point, this will ensure the block component is placed exactly where it was. After the block has been deleted it will remain in your block list as long as you don’t purge it from the list. Make sure you save the block to a back up file/drawing and redefine any changes. I guess it’s a bit like Xref but if you have many entities in a lot of components leading to a large number of blocks it’s easy to manage from INSERT block or by using Design Center and recovering the blocks from a separate file.

2010-08-03, 06:42 PM
You can set SOLIDHIST to off, read in help to understand the implications.

2010-08-03, 07:04 PM
I usually create 3D model of Aeroplane and for me file size is very important. I want to reduce the file size as per as possible. I usually create the profiles of the aeroplane and loft it. I take minimum sections to reduce the size. Still file size is big. Can you give me some tips to keep the file size minimum.

Best regards,


You could just follow the advice given by myself and others, the last time you posted the same thread in a different forum:

To reiterate:

Maybe I misunderstood you, but it sounds like you are placing three groups of data in the same drawing... plan (top), profile (side), and section (elevation). *If* that is correct, you can reduce files size in the way you work, by placing each category in it's own separate drawing. If you need to work on one while referencing the data from another, use XREF.

Regardless of my first comment, try vla-purgeall to reduce file size before saving the drawing.

For the best possible solution for your situation, you might want to post a sample drawing. Allowing us to see what you're working with, might reveal other suggestions.

Cheers! :beer:

2010-08-11, 05:26 PM
set the variable isavepercent to 0 instead of the 50 that autodesk has preset it to.

2010-08-11, 08:20 PM
What about removing the object history?

To remove the history of a solid object

If the Properties palette is not displayed, select any object. Right-click the object to display the shortcut menu. Click Properties.
In a drawing, select a 3D solid.
On the Properties palette, Solid History area, under History, select None.Source:

2013-03-14, 04:34 AM

I have a very large file that I need to reduce in size.

Is has just 3 poly lines in it and the file size is 10MB. As soon as I copy anything from this file to another file, the other file also increases in size.
I tried Purge, Audit, WBlock, Scale list Utility, Purge Regapps, Recover, Overkill but all in vain.
Can I attach the file here in some way for someone to check?

Can someone please help.
Thanks in advance.

2013-03-14, 01:33 PM
Do you need the drawing that has just those 3 polylines in it for anything?

Meaning, if its only those 3 entities that you need and nothing else, why not create a new drawing, xref in the 10mb drawing as an overlay trace over the lines and then detach the xref.