View Full Version : Text Arrows

Scott Hopkins
2004-12-16, 07:20 PM
This is so basic and intuitive I can't believe that it took me all this time to pick up on it. I may be at risk of looking like a total idiot for posting something so simple, but I figure that if I could miss this for so long someone else might too.

When repositioning the arrow on a text note from the one side to the other I would previously delete the arrow on one side and add then add a new arrow to the other side. I just realized last night that you can simply drag the arrow from one side of the text to the other. :Oops:

Scott D Davis
2004-12-16, 07:32 PM
ahhhh yes! Thinking this was AutoCAD again, huh??? :mrgreen:

Drag the arrow from left to right, top to bottom, the leaders are pretty smart!

2004-12-16, 08:46 PM
Here is another text tip. It's one of the little things that I'm not sure everyone is aware of, but it makes this program nice to use. If you select the text and then hover over it you can click and drag the whole note, leaders and all. If you select the text and then drag it using the icon at the corner of the text, the text moves but the arrowhead stays put.

2004-12-16, 09:06 PM
Drag the arrow from left to right, top to bottom, the leaders are pretty smart!
You meant that the leaders are parametric? ;)

Scott D Davis
2004-12-16, 09:24 PM
You meant that the leaders are parametric? ;)
Yes, parametric! I was gonna say that, but I'm not sure which phrases Vandezande has "trademarked" anymore! We already owe him everytime we say 'bidirectionally associative"! Cha-Ching!

2004-12-16, 10:21 PM
We already owe him everytime we say 'bidirectionally associative"! Cha-Ching!
How did he manage to trademark this term? I thought it was invented back in 1989 by PTC. Besides, does not James cha-ching enough every time Autodesk salespeople say Freedom Tower? 8)

Scott D Davis
2004-12-16, 11:08 PM
How did he manage to trademark this term?
It was a joke started at one of the classes at AU. We know where the term really came from! :mrgreen:

James, I think he's got you on that one....but the "Freedom Tower" trademark?....hmmmm.

2004-12-17, 03:02 PM
Shouldn't the term Freedom Tower be free? :wink: :)