View Full Version : Disapearing pipes in profile view

2010-08-03, 01:33 PM
I have a file with 3 pipe networks in it and one pipe network that has been data shortcutted into it as well. I've created a profile along the alignment on my waterline network (which is in the drawing I'm working in), then I used the add pipes to profile view command to show adjacent pipes in the other networks. Everything looked perfect.

Then I saved my file and closed it. When I opened it again some of the pipe networks were missing from the profile view. I go back and re-add them, but this has happened several times and I don't want to keep redoing work. Sometimes it is even the waterline that won't show in profile.

I've tried thawing and turning on all layers but they don't show up. The boxes for the missing pipes are checked when you look at the profile view properties.

Any help??

2010-08-05, 04:34 PM
I have a file with 3 pipe networks in it and one pipe network that has been data shortcutted into it as well. I've created a profile along the alignment on my waterline network (which is in the drawing I'm working in), then I used the add pipes to profile view command to show adjacent pipes in the other networks. Everything looked perfect.

Then I saved my file and closed it. When I opened it again some of the pipe networks were missing from the profile view. I go back and re-add them, but this has happened several times and I don't want to keep redoing work. Sometimes it is even the waterline that won't show in profile.

I've tried thawing and turning on all layers but they don't show up. The boxes for the missing pipes are checked when you look at the profile view properties.

Any help??

make sure you have all the different sets of layers on would be my first guess. Your style layers, Layer manager and your model/paperspace layers as well as your viewport layers.