View Full Version : Error with shared coordinate host project with AutoCAD link

2010-08-04, 03:08 PM
I have a workshared host Revit project that has an AutoCAD link and publishes coordinates back to 4 individual building workshared Revit models. The AutoCAD link is in the host file and all 4 building files.

If we make a change to the AutoCAD link file, and reload it into the host file (or open the host file from scratch) we get the attached error message when syncing to central. There is a pop up error like that for all 4 building files......and it even pops them each up twice, so we have to click close 8 times.

The work around is to edit the AutoCAD file and save, open all 4 of the building files and sync them to their centrals then close them, then open the host file and sync that to central. Then no error pop ups! The real pain to this work around is that anyone working on the project needs to be out of the files while this is going on. If one person has even one of the 5 files open, that whole syncing process workflow has to be started all over again. And when someone does go back to working on it, they need to repeat that exact workflow (4 buildings first, then the host).

So, has anyone ever heard of this before or seen that error? Or knows how to fix this issue?

Thanks for any and all help!

cliff collins
2010-08-04, 03:17 PM
Try this:

Have everyone close all their files.

Then, have each person open each Central File, and create a new Local copy.
(use the check box for Create New Local when opening the Central file.)

It seems like someone accidently moved a linked model in a local copy, and then closed
without Synching to Central. I think this could be the problem?

Once it's resolved, make sure to Pin all the linked files so they do not get moved accidently.


2010-08-04, 05:28 PM
Making new local files works too, but no different than just opening the local copies I already have and sync, then open the host and sync that. The models in the host have been pinned the whole time.

Perhaps, the AutoCAD file being reloaded in the host and not in the other files first is the problem? But why would it care? It's just a linked AutoCAD file - and the AutoCAD file is not on shared coordinates.

cliff collins
2010-08-04, 06:01 PM
Perhaps you could try aquiring the coordinates of the AutoCad file, then make those the Shared Location for all the Revit links?

You should also confirm that the origin of the AutoCad file is not too far away
for Revit to work with--2 mile radius in RAC 2010 or earlier, 20 mile radius in 2011
as I recall...

You might also take a look here:

good luck!