View Full Version : Material Takeoff Schedule Sorted by Room

2010-08-04, 08:49 PM
We are working on a pretty large project with many types of rooms
I want Revit to read the finishes in that room (ceiling type, north wall, east wall, floor material etc.) I Might even want the area of 1 particular material sorted by room. Is this possible????

cliff collins
2010-08-04, 08:55 PM
You might consider using a Schedule Key--you set up a Room Style for each typical room type and fill out the materials for each surface--then apply the Room Style to each room.

hope that may help.


2010-08-04, 09:31 PM
I Figured that was the way I was going to have to go. Why cant they just include rooms as a parameter in the material take-off field options that woul simplify everything.

Scott Womack
2010-08-05, 10:36 AM
I Figured that was the way I was going to have to go. Why cant they just include rooms as a parameter in the material take-off field options that would simplify everything.

I agree that changes need to be made to how/what rooms can show in a schedule. I'm not sure it would be quite as simple as your statement. Look into some of the posts on the blog http://insidethefactory.typepad.com/ to see why some things end up being a heck of a lot harder than they sometimes appear. Plus what "materials" schedule from a room would most likely be "gyp Bd" excreta, depending upon how you name the materials.

In addition, I have seen the retail world use room separation lines to create multiple rooms in on large open area. These rooms would be "pads" for various vendor's products. In this case, which room would a ceiling schedule in? Would you require that a ceiling can ONLY be defined within a single room?

I'm not trying to talk down the need for change, not pick on you or your post particularly, but when the entire spectrum of Revit use is considered, a "simple" change can become a huge deal. Users scream bloody murder when an intended change to improve one item inadvertently changes the behavior of other parts of the program.
Too many people run down the program because it does not do what they want, the way they want, when they want it.

2010-08-05, 02:35 PM
I get what you're saying and understand the limitations. I don't expect Autodesk to cater to my firm's specific needs, and I rarely have anything to complain about when it comes to Revit I love the software, but I do think they should try to streamline the process of scheduling finishes, This should be a little easier with the split face and paint options that have been added in recent versions.