View Full Version : Most useless Support Request Replies

2010-08-05, 05:24 AM
I sent a support request today via the subscription site.

I attached the latest journal to be helpful...

Thanks for the update and sending all the required information. When checking the journal file there are a lot of information which I could analyze. I had a few follow up questions and suggestions to better troubleshoot your issue:
*You haven’t installed the latest web update published by Autodesk.
* Enabling the 3GB switch.
Revit and the 3GB Switch:
*Revit and Virtual Memory:
*Could you update your graphic card drivers?
*Perform a Windows Update to install the available fixes from Microsoft.
*Toggle Direct3D Acceleration
Under “Options”, “Graphics” tab, un-check “Use Graphics Acceleration (Direct3D)”. This will allow us to compare the enabled versus disabled performance on the workstation.
*Disable Windows Hardware Acceleration
Windows has specific Hardware Acceleration settings as well we should disable to test the results:
-Close Revit 2011
-Open Windows “Control Panel”
-“Settings” tab, click “Advanced”
-“Troubleshoot” tab
-Set “Hardware Acceleration” to “None”
*Turn off Anti-Aliasing.
Under "Options", "Graphics", un-check "Use Anti-Aliasing for 3D Views."
Please let me know how this worked out and if there is anything further I can assist with on this case. Thank you and I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,

***** *******
Autodesk Support Team

Here is my reply....

I have installed the 'Latest' = only Web Update.

I cannot enable the 3GB switch, as I am running a 64-bit Windows and have 12GB of DDR3 RAM, all of which is accessable.

I have setup a small (2GB) Pagefile to keep windows happy, though I haven't seen RAM use go over 4GB

My Graphic card drivers are up to date, since being released in march 2010, there has only been one update....

Last Windows Update was on tues (2 Days Ago)

DO NOT SUGGEST TURNING OFF 3D ACCELLERATION. Complex models without 3D accelleration are not worth using!!?!

Turn off Anti Aliasing? Its not turned on, and never is.


What is going on there!!

I really wonder what is going on at Autodesk Support....

Not one suggestion helps...... Being 'thanked' for the useful information to be analysed gave me a good laugh.....

I had to share this one with you, Can anyone add a better one?

:sigh: (pleaswe leave out support personell names)

2010-08-05, 06:03 AM
I can't thank Support Enough for My Issues!
They even ring me up to get the problem first hand!

2010-08-05, 12:47 PM
It sounds like when you call your credit card company and the first thing the automated system ask for is... your credit card number.
Then when you FINALLY talk to someone, guess what they do? Ask foryour number again :-)
Gotta keep on smiling, some guys at support are really good, others are not. Like in our daily job.

2010-08-05, 02:32 PM
I have to agree with Daniel. Ive had some really great interactions with a bunch of the Support members. The ones i have less than stellar interactions with a few and far between.

Although the FUNNIEST one i got (and im in no way slamming support. Again, by and large theyre a great bunch) was when we discovered some interesting behavior in brand new projects generated from a specific TEMPLATE. I sent them the SR, and the template, and got a list of suggestions:

1. Have all project team members SWC and get out of the file.
2. Recreate the central file after audit and Detach from Central.
3. Purge Unused.
4. Create new Locals.
5. Provide the last three journal files.
6. Provide a copy of the project.

This was only funny because:

1. What project team? its any new file. There is no project team.
2. Can i have a workshared template? Id love one!
3. Yeah, no. I dont think Purge Unused in a file with NOTHING modeled is going to go over any better than a fart in church. If i put it in the template, its there for a reason.
4. uhhh......
5. For who?? The entire office!?!?!?
6. fsdjfklsda;fjdkaslf;jasdklfja;

I do type this in jest though. Once i re-articulated this to them, they got on board with the issue pretty quickly. I sympathize. They have to cover the boilerplate basics sometimes, although it is frustrating when you get the boilerplates after the SR you filed includes all of the information.

2010-08-09, 02:45 AM
They seem to be pretty good when it gets to the right dept.

Unfortunately, it seems I have to tell them exactly which 1/3 of the program I believe the problem to be in, and even then, sonetimes they insist on sending it to the dev team that has nothing to do with it....

Of course once this happens, every time I ask for an update it vanishes into the void of wherever the wrong dept assigned it to.

I have to open SR's to query why I get no response to the other SR, which is apparently waiting for me to send info, and the info request isn't on the log of the SR, so what do you do?

My favorites though are when they make a statement (and one which sounds like they would have closed the SR to boot), then a week later ask why you haven't responded to the "solution"

2010-08-09, 07:10 PM
I share similar sentiments with the OP. I posted recently about an error where demolished elements' model patterns show up dashed when printed (good), but not on the screen (not good).

Instead of trying it to confirm the issue, support asked me to send them a file to their FTP, last 3 journal files, and a video showing the error. How is any of that going to help when the issue is what's on screen vs. what prints out to a physical piece of paper?

They also tried to suggest checking for the presence of SP1 and that changing the hardware acceleration setting might somehow affect it. :roll:

2010-08-09, 07:30 PM
Patricks - I filed the same support request as you. Got a same day response that they were able to reproduce the issue and it was sent on to development.

2010-08-09, 07:41 PM
Patricks - I filed the same support request as you. Got a same day response that they were able to reproduce the issue and it was sent on to development.

:shock: and I just spent 30 minutes of my time creating a file, making a video, uploading it to their FTP :banghead:

Thanks alot ******* *********** from ADSK support.

2010-08-11, 11:47 PM
I have just been given a great example of how wrong it can go...

Original request put in 8th June (plain acad query):

I can override a dimension to have the text over the 2nd extension line using properties.

Is there a command I can add to my Qat to do the same?

Todays answer:

A product modification to address the reported product issue is not expected due to the development schedule.

Best regards,

Autodesk Support Team

Somewhere in the 2 month process of handballing this from dept to dept, they lost the damn question.