View Full Version : Curved sloped ramp?

2010-08-10, 06:52 PM
Is it possible to do this type of parking ramp AS a ramp? Or should I be using a floor or model it? See attached image.

2010-08-10, 07:04 PM
Yes I think you can do it as a ramp. you just need to get the centerline drawn and make sure the lines are tangent. Then do a curved segment, then straight then curved. It helps to draft the centerline first before you use the ramp tool. You'll get an error about overlapping lines, just delete all teh intermediate riser lines.

2010-08-10, 07:26 PM
Thanks, I can't figure out how to draw a center line? I could use the run tool which makes a straight run (blue line?) but I can't figure out how to draw the center line in segments to follow the shape of the ramp. Is there a tool for drawing center lines or picking existing lines?

2010-08-11, 12:53 AM
The issue I find with doing ramps is that if you want to place a curb or balustrade wall on them, you can't. In the past we have used a floor and simply changed the sub element points.

To create the balustrade walls, use another floor, say 200 wide x 1200 high, or whatever the height needs to be. Then change the sub element points to match the floor/ramp.

Not ideal, but it seems to work OK.