View Full Version : Linking models

Revit for Breakfast
2010-08-13, 01:51 PM
If I link a model in Revit origin to origin. Why do I have the option to move it after the fact in any direction in any view (if not pinned)?

2010-08-13, 01:55 PM
Everything in Revit can be moved. If you don't want it moved then don't and if need be, take precautions so it can't be moved. That is why Revit has locks and pins.

cliff collins
2010-08-13, 02:25 PM
Using Shared Coordinates/Location is a preferred method for aligning linked models.

Pinning at least throws a warning up if a user tries to move a link.


Revit for Breakfast
2010-08-13, 05:38 PM
Everything in Revit can be moved. If you don't want it moved then don't and if need be, take precautions so it can't be moved. That is why Revit has locks and pins.

I know about locks and pins, I just fail to understand why there is an option to move it. Why would you ever move another model?

2010-08-13, 07:52 PM
Because Origin to Origin isnt always the right answer. And sometimes, you think its the right answer, but your consultant made a mistake, or it wasnt a collaborative effort from the get go, and the origins dont line up, and there havent been Shared Coordinates specified. In that case, you have to move it.

Just becasue you dont use functionality doesnt mean it shouldnt be there. if you dont want it moved, pin it, lock it, or check out its workset and dont relinquish it. Or discipline your users.

Andre Carvalho
2010-08-13, 08:09 PM
I bet if we didn't have an option to move it, people would be complaining about why we can't move it after linked...

It's good to have options and be able to do things. In another words, it's better to have the option to move and not use it, than not being able to move it at all.

Andre Carvalho