View Full Version : Changing Wall thickness

2010-08-16, 01:33 AM
Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to change a wall thickness from 90mm to 190mm whilst keeping the exterior dimension. i.e. extend the new thickness to the inside. I have tried to constain the exterior wall side to the floor and also a detail line but this doesn't stop the wall from extending out past it. It is extending to the exterior of the wall. Any ideas?


2010-08-16, 01:53 AM
Change the Location Line of your walls to either Core Face: Exterior, or Finish Face: Exterior, depending on what 'line' you want to remain in place as you change the thickness.

2010-08-16, 02:04 AM
It was set to core face exterior and i just changed it to finish face exterior but it still does the same thing.

2010-08-16, 02:06 AM
Sorry should have tried Finish face interior before I posted. That works. Thanks heaps for your help.