View Full Version : Formulas

2010-08-19, 03:29 PM
I'm doing a door schedule and trying to get it to fill out fields automatically. I think I'm missing something.

This is what I have:
IF(Frame Type ="KD-1","5/A3.2",0)

Frame Type is a field
KD-1 is a frame type that I manually enter into the frametype field
5/A3.2 is the detail number that I want to reference if the Frame Type does equal KD-1

I put the things that I want to display as text in " " because I dont know what else to do. I think this might be my issue.

I think I'm close just missing something. Eventually I want it to be something like

IF ( Frame Type ="KD-1" , "5/A3.2" , IF ( Frame Type ="HM-1" , "4/A3.2" , IF ( Frame Type ="KD-1" , "2/A3.2", "--" ) ) )

Alfredo Medina
2010-08-19, 03:36 PM
The format for an IF formula is:

IF ( condition , <result if true > , <result if false>)
The 'condition' part of the formula cannot be a text parameter. The other two parts can be a text value. Therefore the solution is to create your 'condition' part with a project parameter that applies to doors, and that is an integer, not a text. Then you can do something like this:

IF ( Type = 1, "This", "That")
; therefore, you need to assign one integer for each type of door. For multiple conditions, you need to do embedded IF's.

2010-08-19, 03:43 PM
The format for an IF formula is:

IF ( condition , <result if true > , <result if false>)
The 'condition' part of the formula cannot be a text parameter. The other two parts can be text. Therefore the solution is to create your 'condition' part with a project parameter that applies to doors, and that is an integer, not a text. Then you can do something like this:

IF ( Type = 1, "This", "That")
; therefore, you need to assign one integer for each type of door. For multiple conditions, you need to do embedded IF's.

I think I understand this correct. Really then I'm not saving my self any time by doing this vs just typing in the detail numbers. I'd have to go edit our door family to have another parameter for frame types. I could just as easily make it a parameter that instead of entering 1 as an integer for that specif door I just enter the detail number which is automatically put in the schedule?

Alfredo Medina
2010-08-19, 03:52 PM
You should not need to edit the door families, just add a project parameter (text, type) that applies to doors, in your current project. Then, all door types in your project will inherit that parameter. Using the Type properties, assign a different value to each door type in the project; don't do it in the door family, because you might affect other projects.

For the purpose of assigning Detail numbers for door types, a key schedule is another alternative. Please read Scott Womack's reply in this other thread:

2010-08-19, 04:12 PM
OK, I read his post and I'm starting to do research on the key schedule thing but I dont understand it.

You make a key schedule that has info like Rating, Frame type, etc. then you go around to each door and fill in that information? How does the door schedule then pick up on that info you put in each door?

Alfredo Medina
2010-08-19, 04:17 PM
My reply (# 6) in this other thread:
http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=120099 can give you an idea. That thread is about other entities such as rooms and ceilings, but it can get you started in understanding key schedules.