View Full Version : Window Numbers

Thomas Cummings
2004-12-18, 04:23 AM
Is it not possible to have windows numbered as doors can be? Window 1, 2, 3 ... etc.

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-12-18, 05:34 AM
If you mean tagging windows by type rather than number, yes! Just make sure the window tag is reporting the type mark instead of the mark parameterHope I'm reading the question right.

Arnel Aguel
2004-12-19, 01:11 AM
Is it not that version 7 window family already uses type mark as the default parameter as opposed to version 6.1 which is the mark parameter?

In our case as we normally schedule our window tag as W1, W2, W3, and so on we just simply change the type mark to W1 and the same type of family will follow suit.