View Full Version : roof plan and hidden beams

2010-09-01, 01:45 PM
I have a roof plan that shows my slopes, roof drains etc. I also want to show the steel structure that is on the roof to support antennae, but the problem is that the beams don't show.

The roof plan view is slightly higher than the building, and the view depth is set to capture all the parapets, slopes, drains etc. The structure should be there but isn't.

When I toggle the reveal hidden elements button, the beams show up but not red. They are an orange color, so I go to unhide and everything is greyed out except unhide-by filter. What the heck is this?! I don't have any filters.

Am I missing somthing simple?


2010-09-01, 03:43 PM
Sorry, my mistake. For some reason the beams material was "default structure" which was transparent.

Operator Error!