View Full Version : Unlock Elements

2010-09-01, 03:46 PM

I've lock an element to another element (pile to ground beam).

Now, i want to unlock the two but the 'lock' symbol doesnt come up anymore.

I've create different views for these elements but that doesnt help.

The funny thing is if I create a group and save it as a new project the lock symbol appears straight away.

Has anyone come across this issue before?

BTW we are using Revit 2010



2010-09-02, 03:10 AM
When you select and element that is constraint, even if you removed the constraint it will show the lock.
it should also show the lock in each view.

2010-09-02, 07:51 AM

Thanks for your reply but that's exactly the problem.

I select the element and no lock appears, no matter which view.



Scott Womack
2010-09-02, 10:22 AM
Try placing a dimension between the two objects, even if the dimension is 0". Using tab, and the make sure you are getting both elements, then the dimension when selected should show a Lock on it, which can be unlocked.

Also, check to see if Constraints is turned off, that will hide the "locks" as well.

2010-09-02, 10:38 AM
Thanks Scott,

I did as you said but after selecting the dim it wasnt lock, nevertheless I changed the dim value and than it came up with an message saying the elements are constraint.

I selected 'remove constraints' and it worked!

Thanks again, big help as always.



Andre Carvalho
2010-09-02, 12:26 PM
Thanks Scott,

I did as you said but after selecting the dim it wasnt lock, nevertheless I changed the dim value and than it came up with an message saying the elements are constraint.

I selected 'remove constraints' and it worked!

Thanks again, big help as always.



Another option is to move the element, let's say one foot, and select the option "Disjoin". This will break any constraints. Once done, just move it back one foot.

Or, if you don't care about preserving the element ID or any dimensions or annotations the element has, just select it, cut to clipboard and then paste aligned to the same place.

Andre Carvalho

2010-09-02, 12:54 PM
Cut & Paste same place will also break any link.

2010-09-02, 02:42 PM

Thanks for your email.

First option didnt work, even after moving and 'remove constraints'/ 'disjoin' it is still connecting, meaning the pile drags down the ground beam, after changing the ground beam back to the correct level the pile moves back with it ;(

Option 2 worked! It even keeps all the properties (i.e. pile number, load etc.)

Thanks you,
