View Full Version : Wall Sweep & Reveal

2010-09-06, 08:49 AM

Is it possible to add wall sweep / reveal on all four sides of a free standing wall.

I have a fin wall of 9" wide projecting from the main wall by 3'-0". I have to show as a wall groove on all 3 visible sides. I am able to add only along the length of the wall not along the thickness. Is there any other way to add wall reveal along the thickness of the wall.

Scott Womack
2010-09-06, 10:36 AM
The short answer, no. The longer answer is Yes, sort of. You can place the sweep on both the long faces of the wall.

Then select the sweep (if applied separately, or the wall if they are internal) ans in tthe Robbon, you'll see a Modify Returns appear. Select this, make sure the value is set to 90 and by tabbing, make sure you've selevted the end of the sweep (should look like the provile) and select it. It will return 90 deg. You may have to do this for both sides.

Then in an elevation or section perpendicular to the end of the wall, when you select it again, you should be able to see a blue dot, where you can drag it towards the opposite side.

2010-09-06, 05:47 PM
Thanks Mr.Scott. .

Its working