View Full Version : Color Fills and Demo lines

2004-12-21, 04:10 PM
I just started playing with color-fill plans. Love it! However, I can't figure out why the color fill doesn't go to the center line of the wall where I've inserted a NEW door into an EXISTING wall. I'm attaching a PDF of the plan and I circled the area in question.

I also can't figure out how to control the dashed (demo) lines with that door. It would be nice to turn off the demo lines and just show a new door.

Phase: New Construction
Phase Filter: Show All

Any ideas? Thanks!

Scott D Davis
2004-12-21, 04:32 PM
Phase: New Construction
Phase Filter: Show Previous and New

This will show existing items, and new items. Demo items will not be shown.

Not sure about the color fill question.....:???:

2004-12-21, 04:51 PM
Thanks Scott for the reply. I realize tht if I just show the previous phase and not the demo then it would clean up properly. But this means I can't show any demo areas.

THe color fill is the real question though. I'm ok with the demo lines showing but I'd like the color fill to show up where that door is.

2004-12-21, 05:34 PM
Try turning off visibility of walls. I recall that display of colorfills is internally implemented as painted surfaces at some relatively low height. Revit performs hidden line removal calculations and walls (which are cut at higher elevations) probably obscure colorfills below.

BTW - this specific implementation detail of colorfills is the reason to forced turning off visibility of floors and topo surfaces.

Scott D Davis
2004-12-21, 05:36 PM
I must have misunderstood your question...you said:

It would be nice to turn off the demo lines and just show a new door.
So isn't that what you what? Show Previous and New, which will show just the new door?

2004-12-21, 08:43 PM
I don't think you misunderstood. I tried what you said and it works perfectly. I guess there were two questions. I'll try what LRaiz says.
