View Full Version : View Filters and view Templates... But not View Templates

2010-09-08, 08:43 PM
We have a fairly large project, that's moving into CDs. We have literally thousands of views.

We're using view filters pretty heavily. Some views might have 6 different view filters on them. Other views might only have one or none.

Now, I would like to add a couple of View Filters that controls the way my structural engineer's model appears (See this (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=123475) other post for full context).

I can create a view template that includes my two new structural view filters. No Problem. But, if I apply this view template to a view that already uses view filters, then I'm S.O.L., because the view template wipes out the existing filters.

Is there anyway to make an "additive view template," that just adds two new view filters?

2010-09-08, 08:52 PM
Nope. It encompasses the entire Filters Tab. No way around that.

2010-09-13, 03:50 AM
If its only 5 or 6 over-rides, why don't you include those in your templates?

2010-09-13, 02:04 PM
The problem is, each view "style" uses a different set of filters. We have Partial Enlarged Elevations, Curtain Wall Type Elevations, Penthouse Elevations, Interior Elevations, Historic Window Elevations... And there's some others that I can't think of off the top of my head.

All of these elevations are 1/4" scale. But each of them requires different filters to control the visibility of section details and call outs.

And this is just elevations! We have an equally complex variety of plans, sections, RCP's.

At this point, I'm resigned to making a view template for each of these variations. Kill me now!

2010-09-13, 02:42 PM
Thats how ours are. We have a View template for every different type of view. We set them as default, then at the end just grab everything and hit "Apply Default..."

Works like a dream. :)

Scott Womack
2010-09-13, 04:40 PM
We take the detail callouts, and section cuts, duplicate, and make Wall Sections, Wall Details, Roof Details, Ceiling Details, etc. In this manner it takes a lot fewer view filters, thus making it beneficial to place them in view templates. We also often turn off the scale, so that the view template can be applied to different scales of the same type of view.