View Full Version : Quantity column in schedules

2010-09-09, 09:05 PM
Can someone please tell me how to do a quantities column for my schedules?

I can't find anything on how to do it. And I can't find it in Revit. I tried the grand totals, but that puts in headers and splits the schedule into groups. That's not what I'm looking for.

If I have 4 pieces of the same equipment, I'd like it listed once, with the quantity shown as 4.

Dave Jones
2010-09-09, 09:38 PM
Can someone please tell me how to do a quantities column for my schedules?

I can't find anything on how to do it. And I can't find it in Revit. I tried the grand totals, but that puts in headers and splits the schedule into groups. That's not what I'm looking for.

If I have 4 pieces of the same equipment, I'd like it listed once, with the quantity shown as 4.

in Sorting/Grouping sort by the equipment type, check the footer box, check the Grand Totals box, and uncheck the Itemize every Instance box. Should then look something like the attached.

2010-09-09, 09:57 PM
in Sorting/Grouping sort by the equipment type, check the footer box, check the Grand Totals box, and uncheck the Itemize every Instance box. Should then look something like the attached.
That's closer. I was wanting an actual column instead of a footer. I guess I'm still used to how it looks in "that other program".

Dave Jones
2010-09-09, 10:03 PM
That's closer. I was wanting an actual column instead of a footer. I guess I'm still used to how it looks in "that other program".

Its taken me a bit of time to get used to having the line item quantities one space down from where it's supposed to be. Having had to count glass lites and alum panels manually for years and years I'm just so glad that it's automated now I don't care where the quantity is :p

2010-09-09, 10:25 PM
That's closer. I was wanting an actual column instead of a footer. I guess I'm still used to how it looks in "that other program".

I dont waste time doing it, since im fine with the footer, but if you want to do a LITTLE extra leg work:

Make a type property called "Count" and in the families themselves, set the formula side equal to 1. (That means for all new family types itll be 1 as well).

Then in the schedule format, make Count a field that will calculate totals, and unitemize every instance.


2010-09-10, 08:26 PM
I dont waste time doing it, since im fine with the footer, but if you want to do a LITTLE extra leg work:

Make a type property called "Count" and in the families themselves, set the formula side equal to 1. (That means for all new family types itll be 1 as well).

Then in the schedule format, make Count a field that will calculate totals, and unitemize every instance.

See, I keep telling people you are good for something! :mrgreen:

I was thinking that there has to be a way to set a property and use a formula, and there it is. :beer: