View Full Version : wall tags multiple walls...

2010-09-10, 04:34 AM
can you create a single wall tag for multiple walls of same types. So you would have 4 leaders pointing to the four walls that have the same wall types, with a single wall tag. Right now we have 4 tags for these walls in the room. Please look at image for reference.

2010-09-10, 04:43 AM
Short answer is, no but there is no reason you can't make a family that would have the option of adding leaders to it. Add a paramater to see leaders under graphics. Then you would have to use detail lines with constraints so that the line could be moved and vary your leader length and positioning, but essentially all of that is possible although fairly advanced family creation.

2010-09-10, 01:01 PM
Short answer is, no but there is no reason you can't make a family that would have the option of adding leaders to it. Add a paramater to see leaders under graphics. Then you would have to use detail lines with constraints so that the line could be moved and vary your leader length and positioning, but essentially all of that is possible although fairly advanced family creation.

And advanced family creation or not, it will defeat the intelligence in the Revit Walls and Tags. Your bets bet is to tag all the walls and put the tags somewhere else.

I dont even do the "Tag overlap" in case someone changes a wall type.

2010-09-11, 05:37 AM
And advanced family creation or not, it will defeat the intelligence in the Revit Walls and Tags. Your bets bet is to tag all the walls and put the tags somewhere else.

I dont even do the "Tag overlap" in case someone changes a wall type.

thanks for the comment guys. I will look into creating that parametric family, and will let you know how it goes. One question how do i solve the issue if someone changes wall type of one wall in a room? would the leader go away?
regarding putting the tags somewere else how do i get the other three leaders on that one tag?

The idea of placing all the tags one over the other was a quick fix, but i can't snap them into the same coordinate. Is there a way to make annotations snapable? I know door swing lines are snapable, but haven't seen any annotations that a snapable. Thanks guys...

2010-09-11, 05:23 PM
thanks for the comment guys. I will look into creating that parametric family, and will let you know how it goes. One question how do i solve the issue if someone changes wall type of one wall in a room? would the leader go away?
regarding putting the tags somewere else how do i get the other three leaders on that one tag?

The idea of placing all the tags one over the other was a quick fix, but i can't snap them into the same coordinate. Is there a way to make annotations snapable? I know door swing lines are snapable, but haven't seen any annotations that a snapable. Thanks guys...

No, thats what i was trying to explain. Its not a matter of building a parametric family that will still work intelligently (recognize the types of all of the walls), it simply cant be done.

If you make a parametric family with multiple leaders, all of the leaders but one will be a manual effort, and will have no actual tie to the Wall Type in Revit. If someone changes the wall type, the tag will not change at all.

What i was recommending, was placing the tags on all the walls and NOT overlapping them, just finding room elsewhere for them. Thats the only way to get the data in the tags correct and of integrity.

2010-09-12, 11:08 PM
No your tag will remain, and it will be incorrect.
I agree with Twiceroads, and I wasn't trying to say this wouldn't be a problem.

I think your best bet is to find a way to fit a seperate tag for each wall.
Perhaps using a keynote is a better option for you as the tag is smaller, maybe look into changing your documentation method so that you can get automatically updating tags to work for you, rather than creating a new tag that will be prone to error.

2010-09-13, 05:47 PM
Another option is to make use of Filters and change the way the different wall types appear. This is not without its limitations but I've found it to be very helpful if for no other reason than it makes tagging my walls easier!