View Full Version : Making site in Revit off AutoCAD file?

2010-09-12, 12:56 PM
Hello all,

I simply was wondering if there is a quick way to turn a .dwg site map into a site terrain in Revit 2011 without just having to trace all the points manually. I have a .dwg with just the contour lines and i can't believe there isn't a quick way just to auto trace the lines into a 3d site terrain. I will trace the points by hand if i have to but i have 256 contours it seems like a time consuming process.

Thanks for all the help!

2010-09-12, 02:05 PM
Are the contour lines flat or 3D?

If they are 3d then you can easily use them to make your terrain in Revit. If you do a search for a tutorial, I am certain something will turn up as it is a fairly common work flow.
If they are not 3d then you can make them 3d by moving them in AutoCAD then importing them in Revit.
256 contour lines might be a lot to move around in AutoCAD, but you will have to be the judge as to whether this is faster than tracing them.

2010-09-12, 02:44 PM
Ya turns out i was able to get 3d contour lines after taking them from sketchup and google earth. So i got it to work in Revit now, sadly i lose my google earth image when i go into Revit. Thanks for all the help.

2010-09-13, 01:30 PM
Try a wireframe view & your image will show up.