View Full Version : Groups Problem

2004-12-21, 07:42 PM
I have a 90 unit apartment complex that I am working on. I have the different units as groups. When I copy from floor to floor some elements don't copy with it. I.E. toilets, bath tubs, & refrigerators. It is inconsistant as well. Coffee tables and beds don't have this problem. Has anybody had this problem. It is extremely ANNOYING! The changes I need to make should take this long, but because of this issue it is taking forever. Any help with this matter would be much appreciated!

2004-12-21, 09:40 PM
The toilets and bath tubs are wall based families ? Are the walls in the group, or maybe the walls extend through the levels, so that these families no longer have a host ?

( The refrigerator is a strange one through - have you checked vis graphics to see if the category is turned on in the other level views ? )

If the problem is wall hosted families, you may need to make a new family for these as non hosted. Just copy/nest the component in a non hosted template, then swap them over.

2004-12-21, 09:42 PM
6.1 or 7.0?
any nested groups?

is thier category turned off in the destination view?
is thier workset turned off in the destination view?

2004-12-21, 10:30 PM
Thanks for the imput guys. I called Revit support. Bascially what they told me is that I have to make new groups in order for the new group functionality to work in V7. Once I did that it seemed to work correctly. That was quite irratationg though considering the size of the porject. Once I made new groups I could select them from the list and replace the old V6.1 groups. There is one problem though, when you select the new group from the list it changes the orientation. Basically you have to re-align and rotate it to get it back to where it was origianlly. I would be nice if the develpoers could come up with some sort of "migration assistant" to make this process less laborious. Thanks again for the input!