View Full Version : Phased Overhead Lines

2010-09-14, 05:40 PM
I have created overhead dashed lines in the existing phase (model and line work overrides) they show up solid in every future phases. We would like for them to remain dashed in the future phases not solid - am I missing something simple?

2010-09-15, 12:48 PM
Are you somehow using model lines to create the dashed overhead lines.

If they are detail (symbolic) lines, they are view specific and not phase-able.

So, for instance, if you had a view showing one phase, and then duplicated the view (with detail) and then changed it's phase, the detail lines would not be affected.

2010-09-15, 02:13 PM
Yes, you are correct I am using model lines or line work overrides to create phase-able overhead line work. The phased views are already created so duplicating with detail isn't an option, although a good workaround and will keep it in mind for next time. Overriding the overhead lines back to dashed in future phases isn’t an option since the line work isn’t selectable.

The overhead line work is being placed in the existing phase and being demolished several phases later but need to be dashed in the interim.


2010-09-15, 04:03 PM
There's another option.

You can create the (symbolic) overhead detail lines in one view, select them all, and then copy paste them (aligned) to the other views.

cliff collins
2010-09-15, 04:14 PM
Another suggestion might be instead of using lines, to model the elements that are to be shown as dashed/above, and set them on their correct Phase, Demolish as required, etc.

Then you have a bit better control over the actual model components, they show in all views, both 2D and 3D, and represent the actual conditions a bit better than just drafting some lines, which is more of a "cad" approach.

Yes- this may take a bit more time up front, but the downstream benefits usually justify
the input time.

You can use an Underlay in the Floor Plan views where you want to see the objects above,
use the linework tool to change them to dashed or "above" line style--then turn off the Underlay, and the dashed lines stay locked to the object.

just my 2 c worth.
