View Full Version : Mirror Project - Copy ?

2010-09-15, 10:52 AM
We are building two more or less equal buildings, and one of them is supposed to be a mirror of the other one.

So right now, we have built up one of them, and were thinking about just mirroring it.

Using the Mirror Project this should be an easy task, but I'm missing the "Copy" option that you can find in the normal Mirror tool.

Do anyone have an idea of how we could solve this in a good way?

Alfredo Medina
2010-09-15, 11:58 AM
Maybe using groups is a better idea. You can set up your building as a whole group, or as a group of small groups, and then copy or mirror the entire building.

2010-09-15, 12:25 PM
mirror > save as > link both buildings into site file

2010-09-15, 12:49 PM
I have not used the new mirror project tool yet and I am anxious to learn how it works. I know that mirroring groups sometimes causes problems. The other problem using the simple mirror function is that it does nothing for any annotated views ... except screw them up.

Watch out for handed families. In our hotels, we have furniture items that are handed and identified by hand. Obviously these kind of families would be messed up using the mirror project tool.

2010-09-15, 07:01 PM
I use Mirror project rather often in my work, and I can attest that the tool does a pretty good job of it. A few things you may want to check when you're done:

-Sometimes dimensions get thrown off, finding a new anchor object elsewhere in the model.
-Occasionally dimensions will disappear.
-Keynotes and tags tend to get shifted around.
-Any manual linework that you've done is usually lost.
-Any object visibility overrides are usually lost (we handle these with filters)
-Roof and Wall sweeps, depending on how they were built, can sometimes cause errors that will prevent you from being able to mirror a project. We usually have to delete these and recreate them after the mirror has been completed.

I don't believe you can copy a building using the mirror project command. Vennix's method would be the way to go.