View Full Version : Wall Based Family - Placement Side Confusion

2010-09-15, 04:58 PM
I have created a simple rectangular niche family. When I place it in the model in plan view, then it is oriented correctly. However, when I place it in elevation view, it is oriented backwards. In other words, it is a bumpout instead of a niche. I tested it in several models, and it behaves the same way in each of them. Have I made an error in my family, or is this a bug in the family template?

cliff collins
2010-09-15, 05:59 PM
As a quick test, I added a flip control so in Plan Views you can reverse the orientation.

You could probably get it to come in correctly in elevation views by adding reference planes and defining an origin at the placement side of the host wall.


2010-09-22, 04:33 AM
It does appear a bit buggy to me. I find that if I place them in an elevation and press the TAB key before placing one that the orientation is "reversed" correctly without changing your family at all. This means that the generic model wall based template seems to be preferring a "backwards" orientation over the orientation expected by the view annotation in the template. We should let Adesk know.

2010-09-22, 02:39 PM
Checked with Adesk, it's an old bug unfortunately. If you TAB as I mentioned in the previous post you can get the orientation you want with a little trial an error. Or as you mentioned...put it in a plan view.