View Full Version : Wall Schedule for Painted Walls - Conflict with Wall Sweep

2010-09-20, 07:27 PM
Our client requires us to give them the area total area of painted CMU. They use this information to purchase the proper quantity of block filler and paint. We have chosen to apply paint with the Paint command so that we can paint different sections of each wall different colors and so that the interior can also be painted a different color. We don't include the paint in the wall type itself because we may change paint colors several times in the same wall.

I have run into a minor snag that makes my schedule totally worthless. When I add a parapet cap as a wall sweep, the entire area of the wall is removed entirely from the schedule as if the wall didn't even exist.

I have attached a sample project with two walls. Note that both walls are painted with a material but only the wall without the parapet cap shows up in the schedule. Next, try deleting the parapet cap. Now the wall now appears in the schedule.

If anyone can explain what is going on or what I need to do differently please let me know.

Ning Zhou
2010-09-20, 07:46 PM
looks like sweep will only affect painted area(s) takeoff, don't know the logic behind it, anyone?

2010-09-20, 08:12 PM
suggest sending that to ADSK Support