View Full Version : Storefront mullion question

2004-12-22, 05:56 PM
This is my first attempt at a storefront, so please be gentle with me.

I've added a storefront inside an existing wall, works fine. Set up the mullion spacing to 3' horizontal, 8' vertical. The whole thing is 4' high, so the only horizontal mullions are top & bottom of the "window". Now I go to change the Grids into Mullions and my problems begin.

First issue: I don't have any mullions loaded, so I found some in the Imperial Library\Profiles\Curtain Wall - WAY too detailed, and the Mullion command says they are the wrong category, anyway. So I load up the tutorial on Curtain Walls (i_rvt7_Curtain_Walls) and steal the Mullions from there. I had to copy to clipboard & Paste to my project. Isn't there a way to Save the Family?

Second issue: after I got a mullion imported, I did All Empty Segments, and now have mullions where I want them. Only problem is, every one of the vertical mullions goes all the way to the top & bottom of the window. I have to change the Mullion Join for every mullion. Is there a way to either specify the "outside" mullion is a frame and should be the strong on (not cut). Or, is there a simple way to select all the vertical mullions and change the join on all of them at once?

Allen Lacy
2004-12-22, 06:06 PM
First issue: I don't have any mullions loaded, so I found some in the Imperial Library\Profiles\Curtain Wall - WAY too detailed, and the Mullion command says they are the wrong category, anyway. So I load up the tutorial on Curtain Walls (i_rvt7_Curtain_Walls) and steal the Mullions from there. I had to copy to clipboard & Paste to my project. Isn't there a way to Save the Family? Sounds like you may have purged the mullions from your template or project. You could have loaded the default template and copied and pasted from that. If it's your template that doesn't have mullions loaded, then you need to add them to the template and save as a template.

Second issue: after I got a mullion imported, I did All Empty Segments, and now have mullions where I want them. Only problem is, every one of the vertical mullions goes all the way to the top & bottom of the window. I have to change the Mullion Join for every mullion. Is there a way to either specify the "outside" mullion is a frame and should be the strong on (not cut). Or, is there a simple way to select all the vertical mullions and change the join on all of them at once? Seems as if the verical grid/mullion takes precedence and you have to change the join. Anybody know different?

2004-12-22, 06:32 PM
Sounds like you may have purged the mullions from your template or project. You could have loaded the default template and copied and pasted from that. If it's your template that doesn't have mullions loaded, then you need to add them to the template and save as a template.

Seems as if the verical grid/mullion takes precedence and you have to change the join. Anybody know different?

I don't know if you can change the default setting, but the standard construction method for curtain wall systems is to have the vertical members as the main bearing members, and then the horizontal members fit between the verticals. So that is why the default mullion insertion method is like that.

Alex Page
2004-12-22, 11:26 PM
I don't know if you can change the default setting, but the standard construction method for curtain wall systems is to have the vertical members as the main bearing members, and then the horizontal members fit between the verticals. So that is why the default mullion insertion method is like that.
dont think so, it is completely dependant on the design - maybe for stick system you are right

2004-12-23, 02:09 PM
Hey there,

To change your mullion joins, just click on any mullion and you will get the join symbol shown in blue. (Looks like the # symbol) Just click on that symbol and it reverses the join.
Regarding the mullions themselves, Revit comes loaded with most simple mullions. I don't know why you were missing them, but I would look into it.

Good luck