View Full Version : Sloped ceiling & recessed light weirdness

2010-09-24, 03:06 PM
I've got a penthouse with a sloped roof and ceiling. I had several Recessed Can fixtures (that come with Revit Architecture) inserted into this ceiling (as well as other flat ceilings on the level and the level below). All was fine. Yet this morning I opened up the project to find that my sloped ceiling was floating 9'6" above where it should be - outside the building. Since I'm the only one in our office who even knows how to use the program (we are in the process of moving from AutoCAD to Revit and I'm currently the only one who's had the time to learn the program), I know for a fact that nobody has touched the file. Also, I checked the settings for the ceiling, and it is set to the PH level and offset is set to 9'6" from the PH level, which is where it has shown up previously - now it is offset 9'6" above the 9'6" offset from the PH level. I opened up one of my old recovery files and it has the sloped ceiling prior to the light fixtures and it is exactly where it's supposed to be - 9'6" above the PH level. So I compared to the 2 projects side by side and the sloped ceiling elements in both the current and recovery projects are identical in spec, but the current sloped ceiling is at the wrong elevation. So I deleted the current sloped ceiling and copied and pasted the sloped ceiling from the recovery file and everything was fine. Then I proceeded to add the recessed fixture and I got a little yellow message stating that the inserted elements are not visible in this view - which was the PH ceiling plan, which it should be visible. I looked at the 3D view to find that the ceiling got moved when I inserted the light fixture! I undid the insert and the ceiling was back to where it should be and reinserted the same fixture, same result - the ceiling moves up 9'6"! I undid the insert and inserted a different light fixture - inserts fine with no problem. I tried a bunch more fixtures and all inserted into the sloped ceiling without causing problems. I then deleted the recessed can family from the project, which deleted every instance. Then I reloaded it from the Library and tried inserting it into the ceiling again and same thing - the ceiling moves up by the offset amount. I've already done an audit on the project and an audit on the recessed can fixture and no change. What's particularly odd is that I had these fixtures inserted in this sloped ceiling for about a week and everything was fine until I opened up the drawing today. What's even more odd is, this PH has 2 sloped ceilings and the second sloped ceiling is fine. It has 4 recessed can fixtures and is set at the proper height. The sloped ceiling is created using the parallel sketch lines options - the sketch line for the low end of the sloped is set to 9'6" offset from the base and the high end is set to 11'7" offset from the base. Then the ceiling object itself is set to 9'6" above the level. Any ideas one what's going on with this one ceiling and one fixture.

cliff collins
2010-09-24, 03:23 PM
Try using a face-based light fixture instead of a ceiling hosted family.
Sounds like the ceiling hosted family has an origin from a default level
and perhaps a dimension constraint.

You might also see if you can "reset host" and select the sloped ceiling.

Without seeing the Revit model it's a bit hard to provide a definite solution.

Perhaps you could post the ceiling and offending light fixture?


Alfredo Medina
2010-09-24, 04:10 PM
I've got a penthouse with a sloped roof and ceiling...

I know it's your first post, but may I make some suggestions for your next post? A brief message with an attached illustration makes your post easier to understand. If the post really needs to be long, breaking it into paragraphs makes it easier to read. Welcome to the forum.