View Full Version : Control visibility of cabinets vs countertops?

2004-12-22, 11:37 PM
I would like to be able to turn off the visibility of cabinets on certain types of plan view drawings while maintaining the visibility of countertops.

How do I control the visibility of cabinets separately from countertops when both are categorized as casework?

I tried to do this by creating a cabinets and a countertops subcategory of casework in my project template (so I can set visibility separately), but when I open a cabinet family and create these same subcategories, Revit will not allow me to change any of the existing subcategories, namely cabinet - elevation swing - plan rep below, into sub subcategories of cabinets.

I also can't simply change all elements in the cabinet family to the cabinets subcategory as the different elements therein have different properties.

I thought about creating a countertops primary category but Revit doesn't seem to allow that either.

Any suggestions?

2004-12-22, 11:49 PM
You have to create the subcategory within the family.

Might be easier to make countertops a subcategory, as there's only one solid involved.
Open the coutertop family, select the solid, go to properties, & create a subcategory for the solid.

Save the family & load it into your project. Go to view / visibility, and you should see your new subcategory listed under casework.

Phil Palmer
2004-12-23, 08:32 AM
Another option you may want to consider is the use of Worksets.

You could then seperate the cabinets and worktops into seperate worksets. With a workset based project you will have additional display options for the worksets as well.

2004-12-23, 01:56 PM
Hey there,

In addition, if you don't use worksets, try putting all of the countertops in a design option. Then you can simply toggle between the two options to see or remove the countertops.

Good Luck

2004-12-23, 03:30 PM
Might be easier to make countertops a subcategory, as there's only one solid involved.

Thanks for the suggestion. I should clarify that it is the visibility of the cabinets that I would like to turn off, not the countertops.

Therefore I don't believe your solution would help.

2004-12-23, 03:35 PM
Hey there,

...try putting all of the countertops in a design option.

Thanks, since in our practice we generally propose multiple design options to a client, I have already created multiple design options which of course include varying layouts of cabinets and countertops.

I don't believe Revit allows for sub design options!?

2004-12-23, 03:41 PM
Another option you may want to consider is the use of Worksets.

Thank you.

I haven't yet investigated the use of work sets since I didn't have any need for its stated purpose.

If I find that it is not too cumbersome, I will consider it as a workaround.

2004-12-23, 04:33 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. I should clarify that it is the visibility of the cabinets that I would like to turn off, not the countertops.
Then open each of the cabinet families you use, create a subcategory(s), and assign it to all the solid elements & linework within the family.

If you try one of the stock base cabinets that are included with the software, they have many of their componets subcategorized, and as such, show up in the view / visiblity dialog for casework.

2004-12-23, 04:47 PM
Then open each of the cabinet families you use, create a subcategory(s), and assign it to all the solid elements & linework within the family.

As I originally stated, those sub categories have different properties ie line type, line weight, materials.

How can they maintain their differing properties and at the same time share the same sub category?

2004-12-23, 08:57 PM
You can make up as many subcategories as you choose, and then set the lineweights, etc. via object properties.

2006-02-24, 07:11 PM
I have the same problem, I am not able to get the LAB casework to display properly in plan as hidden lines under the countertop in plan.

I was able to do this for KITCHEN casework. I fail to see the difference since both families are int he same Casework folder?

My open shelving is in the Specialty Equip folder and does refuses to show as hidden line (above) also?

2006-02-26, 02:22 AM
In your project, open Object Styles, choose the Casework category and then set the linework for the appropriate subcategory.

If the casework element has not been assigned to a sub category, cretae one from within the family, using the Object Styles in the Family Editor.

I have the same problem, I am not able to get the LAB casework to display properly in plan as hidden lines under the countertop in plan.

I was able to do this for KITCHEN casework. I fail to see the difference since both families are int he same Casework folder?

My open shelving is in the Specialty Equip folder and does refuses to show as hidden line (above) also?

2006-03-04, 01:03 AM
I tried the suggestions but the subcategory I created is not linked to the shelf. Even though I have selected the subcategory in its family.properties The shelves therefore will not react to the object style linetype I give it.

the Shelf from specialty equipment is apparently buried in between Specialty Category and the subcategories.