View Full Version : Wall Surface Pattern Inconsistency - 2010

2010-09-28, 02:54 PM
I've got two 8" CMU walls that do not show the same surface pattern color in elevation. They are different wall types because the one on the right is furred out on the opposite side. Both walls are referencing the same material for CMU, and that pattern is set to use black. I've even gone so far as to try overriding the surface pattern of the grayed wall on the left to be black, but with no success. It looks even worse in print than it does as the screenshot I've attached. Anybody have any idea what the issue might be?

cliff collins
2010-09-28, 03:00 PM
1. Check that no overrides have been applied in the view.

2. Check Phasing--sometimes two walls with identical materials and patterns apear differently due to a Phasing graphic setting--one wall placed in a different phase.

Just a question--why are there 2 walls in your example? Because of what happens on the other side?

Check the CMU material again for it's surface pattern color.

Can you post a Revit model so we can check this further?


2010-09-28, 03:01 PM
We have different wall types joing all the time and we don't see this issue so I am pretty sure it is not Revit but something you have done. Suggestions:
- phases?
- Over-ride graphics in view by element
- not really the same material

...cliff beat me to them

2010-10-11, 08:10 PM
Found the answer after digging. We inherited this model from another firm who was involved in early design, and they had used Override Graphics by Element to make the patter of the CMU wall lighter rather than modifying the material. I reset the graphic overrides and that solved it.