View Full Version : In Burgundy, the wine is made under the ground (Topo Pad question)

2004-12-23, 02:08 PM
Any idea on how to do a buried cellar ?

When I create a pad on a topo surface, the hole is "until the sky"
How to obtain eath on top of the roof.

Andre Baros
2004-12-23, 03:44 PM
Very good question. I think you will need to split the surface where your cellar is. Have an "existing" topo which has the pad cut into it and a "new construction" topo which indicates the fill back over the top. If you start out by duplicating the exiting topo to create the new topo, then the small piece you cut to create the new topo will match up perfectly.

2004-12-23, 05:23 PM
Good idea.
But there is a problem in the sections with the section cut material.
It is a site parameter for all the topo surfaces.
And the cellar is filled as you can see in this picture.

Andre Baros
2004-12-23, 06:19 PM
I think this parameter is set per file. So you can link in your exisisting site from a second Revit file(which is set to hatch deep) and include your new in your main file (which is set shallow). I haven't tried so I'm just guessing.

2004-12-24, 07:04 AM
I've tried, it works.
Thanks Andre.
But how much complicated !

It will be nice to have an easier way to do it.

2004-12-25, 08:12 AM
I've tried, it works.
Thanks Andre.
But how much complicated !

It will be nice to have an easier way to do it.

That's why there are called 'Work-arounds'....Revit factory believes in the ideology of 'No pain ...No gain'

No fun in doing things in an easier way.

Merry Christmas to All !!!